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Marcus Brutus23 Nov 2020 6:35 p.m. PST

I was thinking about painting up Celtiberian infantry and was wondering about what the typical infantry clothing might look like. I have Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars, so 112 talks a bit about dress. So a preference for black cloaks. Would Celtiberians look like their Gaulish neighbours to the north with bright colours and patterned clothing. Or more like other Spanish groups with striped white and off white tunics? Any suggestions most appreciated.

Rudysnelson23 Nov 2020 8:37 p.m. PST

My Celts are more like the Gauls of France and Italy. Instead of the white tunic trousers with colored trim of the Iberians, I went with more colored tunics in red and black. I also made those colors dominant along with the S patterns on the shields.fewer blondes and red heads and more brown and black hair.

IanWillcocks24 Nov 2020 5:23 a.m. PST

Hello Marcus, I always wondered the same. I used the Victrix Iberians for my Celtiberians, all in Montefortino helmets, few black cloaks, bit of mail thrown in, painted in greens and browns to distinguish them from the mostly white with fewer helmeted Iberians. Can't find the links but try googling 'TMP celtiberians', there was some interesting chats on this very topic I think from the late great Allen Curtis and a Spanish chap called Quesada Sanz? But know one can tell you you are wrong if you go with the Gallic look?

IanWillcocks24 Nov 2020 5:24 a.m. PST

Sorry, the evils of sherry with lunch, 'no one'

Dagwood24 Nov 2020 8:03 a.m. PST

Mine are a complete mixture, of trousers and tunics, of white/purple, cheques/stripes and "black", and of "black" and coloured cloaks.

"Black" is in inverted commas because I used a dark brown over a black basecoat, since "black" sheep are more brown than black !

Marcus Brutus24 Nov 2020 12:29 p.m. PST

Thanks everyone. So what I am getting the feel for is that there is quite a bit of freedom in painting the Celtiberian clothing.

Damion25 Nov 2020 12:59 p.m. PST

I thought Celtiberians were Celticised Iberians so a mix of Celtic and Iberian would be expected but probably not within the same warband. So some regions may have used trousers more but I wouldn't expect to see a 50/50 split with trousers and bare legs, people tend to conform to the fashions of their group. The same for shields regarding thyreos and caestus.
Clothing is pretty much a wild guess, a few vase paintings but checkered cloth seems pretty widespread and ancient so was likely brought into Spain with Halstatt culture if it wasn't present already.
The Lady of Baza from Grenada is an Iberian statue showing remains of paint depicting a checkerboard border on her clothing.
Similar checks appear on the Bormio stele from northern Italy which is Golasecca culture (pre-Gallic Celtic) showing how widespread such patterns were.
So long as you avoid the la tene patterns of the Gauls which would only be seen on shields anyway there shouldn't be an issue.

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