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"What's your WORST experience with a horrible opponent?" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP13 Nov 2020 9:10 p.m. PST

"I began my 40k career with the Tau when they had just released. I had some birthday money hanging around and I blew the majority of it on buying an entire 1500 point army of Tau, as well as all the special characters available at the time. I spent the better part of 6 months assembling and painting every model, and learning the rules/tactica, and finally sat down to play my -very first game ever- against a guy I had met through a friend of mine.

Now, the friend that introduced us was always a bit weird and wasn't picky about who he called a friend being as he was, like most warhammer players at the age of 13, really, really geeky. The guy who I played (We'll call him Brian) had the same issues, but had a lot of money and an entire upstairs loft in his big-ass house dedicated to his geekdom, which involved a lot of historic crap, wargames, and ornamental weaponry. He was also a gigantic tool. He 'made his own' guard army, and insisted that army wide, he had +1 to BS and several other special rules which at the time, having NEVER read a guard codex, felt were a bit ridiculous. He also made sure terrain was grossly in his favor, declaring things on my side as impassable, rough, etc. I accepted his rules anyway, and proceeded to own the everloving Bleeped text out of his army, picking apart his artillery (which he was pre-measuring, btw) and out-ranging his super shooty army. After capturing all the objectives on the table, the game hadn't ended but it was clear I was walking away with a win when Bleeped text got ugly…."
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Dasher14 Nov 2020 2:22 a.m. PST

The creature described in this account is a perfect example of what violence is actually for.

Dragon Gunner14 Nov 2020 5:32 a.m. PST

I must have met this guy when he was an adult and he had not changed too much…

1. I could not afford to buy all the codexes and he refused to let me look at his codex.

2. He had an overwhelming number of models on the table and when I questioned him about it he smugly said, " Orcs have a lot of miniatures".

3. When he went to the bathroom I decided to browse through his codex. It turns out he had 4,000 points worth of model on the table to my 2,000. He had also given all his orcs ballistic skill 3 instead of 2.

4. I confronted him when he returned about the discrepancies. He chalked up the 4,000 point to a "math error". The ballistic skill 3 was a "house rule" he had made up for himself, he said his orcs were really good becasue they practiced.

5. The cretin then proceeds to blow up because I did not have permission to touch his codex…

I played with this guy one more time and he tried to award himself some unfair advantages. His house rules were something bordering on 40 pages long… When I stood my ground and said no, he puffed himself up, got right in my face and started mad dogging me with his incedible stare.

It was the last time we ever spoke!

smithsco14 Nov 2020 8:35 a.m. PST

Guy would only play bolt action is he got equal points, troops dug in on a defensive mission. Had house ruled pre spotted artillery coordinates. Always played as Waffen ss. His stretcher bearer team counted as a panzerschreck team.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Nov 2020 10:57 a.m. PST

Oh, you Kids! Complaining about such minor things….

I and our game club had to follow the clinically paranoid gamer back to his car after he lost on a rules decision to make SURE he did not come back with his .3030 rifle he kept in his car's trunk.

Actual risk of spilling blood has to trump the tantrums of creeps who would likely remain "creeps" for the rest of their lives.

Our guy eventually moved to San Francisco, and for years we waited to read he'd committed a mass shooting. If if actually happened, we missed it.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP14 Nov 2020 11:58 a.m. PST

Wow!!!….just… WOW!!…


21eRegt14 Nov 2020 1:53 p.m. PST

I haven't had (knock wood) a truly horrible gaming experience, at least not the fault of the opposition. Now dice is another matter. I've faced some cheaters and win at all cost types but I never chose to let it bother me that much.

von Schwartz14 Nov 2020 7:14 p.m. PST

Not with an opponent, but with the ref of a Napoleonics campaign at our local shop. I was C in C of the Austrians and he took every opportunity to screw me and my sub-commanders. Even my, on the table opponents, got fed up with his antics even thought they were the ultimate beneficiaries of his vitriol and the campaign kinda dissolved. Don't know what his beef was, he just did not like me at all. Imagine that, he didn't like me, how absurd, (smile).

skipper John15 Nov 2020 7:31 a.m. PST

I played SAGA with a local fellow. Every time we gamed he would set up the table before I arrived. First time he played Irish against my Anglo-Saxons.

The table had rocky/rough areas every 12 to 14 inches apart all over. Strange I thought, never seen that before. Then he said; "I get a special ability at one of your units if it is within 6 inches of a rough/rocky area." Well that explains THAT!

Next game he said he had a new Viking long ship he wanted to set on the table. Fine says I. There it was beached and 6 inches from the edge of the water feature. Just enough room for him to place his entire army behind it. Where he stayed the entire game.

We don't game together any more.

AICUSV19 Nov 2020 5:43 p.m. PST

My worst experience with an opponent, is the guy I play against when I solo game.

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