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"6mm Adler Napoleonics - A Lost Project" Topic

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yarkshire gamer11 Nov 2020 8:45 a.m. PST





Lockdown 2 (which is just a continuation of Lockdown 1) in Yarkshire has started a number of slightly unhinged ideas in my brain, one of them was "how many painted wargames figures have I actually got "

During the course of the #Greatwargamesfigurecount I've discovered a few gems I'd forgotten about (28mm American Football anyone !) amongst them were these 6mm Adler Napoleonics.

Great detailed figures, not seen the light of day in years, on the blog post (link above) I talk about the lost project and it's uncertain future.

It's interesting on the back of the "Big Game Gaming – is it dead" post that even 30 years ago when I did these I decreased the figure scale to get bigger units. Twice as many Adler figures filled the same space as half as many 15s, I just can't do small games lol.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

yarkshire gamer11 Nov 2020 8:54 a.m. PST

Cross post error, hopefully the whole post won't get deleted.

BTW I know the buildings in the background are 28mm Renaissance.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

General Kirchner11 Nov 2020 8:56 a.m. PST


how the heck you paint a face on 6mm is beyond me!

the arguments for 6mm are compelling, just hard enough to find someone to game historicals let alone smaller scales…….

MarbotsChasseurs11 Nov 2020 8:58 a.m. PST

Those are well done! As someone who paints 6mm I really enjoy the larger battalions. The Grenadiers look awesome formed together.

Tassie11 Nov 2020 9:09 a.m. PST

They look wonderful!
Love the big unit sizes too!

Allan F Mountford11 Nov 2020 11:18 a.m. PST


Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2020 12:43 p.m. PST

Oh wow.

I today posted my latest work in what I always think is smaller than my personal comfort zone. They are in 20mm scale or 1/72 (never too sure these days). My Prussian cavalry are OK but yours, en masse, your last photo in the sequence, look superb.

Your Chasseurs a Chev de la G Imp have piping on the colpack ornaments. Your Mamelukes the same.

This is in 6 mm scale. Wow.

I hope you can find more stuff in your West Yorkshire attic. My N Yorks Moor top-end attic is packed with 28mm stuff (VNam and Napoleonic) which Mrs F wants to see gone! God bless the vaccine makers…..I can use my season ticket once more..

yarkshire gamer11 Nov 2020 12:59 p.m. PST

Many thanks everyone,

Always great to hear from fellow Yarkshire folk deadhead. Those 28mm Napoleonics are fine where they are lol.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

La Fleche11 Nov 2020 7:19 p.m. PST

By gum!

If we had any stairs I'd be at the foot of them this very minute.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP13 Nov 2020 5:46 p.m. PST

Ken, those figures are superb! Who would have thought in 6mm right? Those figures by Leon? Adler really make it possible for deep shading with that style. I've started looking back into a pile of old lead after a hiatus, and I am working on the same stuff!

yarkshire gamer13 Nov 2020 10:46 p.m. PST

Hi le Grand,

Yes these are Leons figures, I got them when Adler was just starting, fantastic figures then and now, really good detail, I kept my ACW collection of Adler going and have around 5000 painted.

I would love to build them up but dont think my eyes would work at that scale these days.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer

Gazzola14 Nov 2020 6:10 a.m. PST

yarkshire gamer

Just what I needed. For some reason, I've not been able to get stuck into catching up with my 6mm Adler painting. It is something I keep planning to do and saying I will but I never get around to actually doing it. eg: Some Berg Lancers and Portuguese infantry have remained half done for quite some time. It's probably because I've spent any spare time catching up with my unread book mountain. But seeing these figures and images makes me want to get stuck into painting again. So I will try less reading and more painting. Great images by the way and hard to believe they are 6mm but Adler do have incredible detail for their size.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP14 Nov 2020 12:45 p.m. PST

Go for it Peter! We are looking at a massive battle down the road if you are still in CT!(you know, I finally read that book and figured out GAZZOLA :-)
Ken, I have almost the entire French and allied OOB for the Army of Germany in 1809 painted (except for the Guard, and Vandammes VIII corps Wurttembourgers and the Saxons under that (working on those now). I have purchased the Poles, Russians and Austrians. All Adlers. All the Austrian light cavalry is painted. I'm looking at how many figures?- I have not done the math- 12 figs per batallion, 4 cav per squadron and one gun,limber & riders equals one section. Several thousand pieces painted, more thousands to go. (Thank god there is mostly a lot of white left! France et all took forever) It will be a lifelong project, no doubt, but I farmed out the Bavarian Contingent for painting, that's done- to a superb guy in Bath, Maine USA, and about to send him my Christmas present of Wurttembourgers! There will be no shortage of work, and what better time to do it!

Gazzola17 Nov 2020 2:12 a.m. PST

le Grande Quartier General

Did you enjoy the book? LOL

La Belle Ruffian17 Nov 2020 5:52 p.m. PST

Very nice, Ken. When I think back to early 15mm figures forty years ago, I can't see much difference in what's possible. I was looking at the 10mm collection of Gerry Elliott the other month too and it's very impressive on that scale.

Work has taken me away from home for much of the year, but I'm torn when it comes to the look of my 15mm. Too much vacillation – I need to make some foamboard sabots from a load of offcuts and try them, but it's also the figure spacing which is important on the table.

le Grande Quartier General Supporting Member of TMP17 Nov 2020 7:42 p.m. PST

Gazzola- I have more questions than answers; An intriguing fellow I must say :-)

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