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"Herero War Games at HMGS CYBER WARS" Topic

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rjones6911 Nov 2020 6:58 a.m. PST

Tom Vielott, who's played in several of my Herero and Nama games at HMGS conventions, has adapted one of my Herero War scenarios to Tabletop Simulator (TTS) and will be running it this Thursday and Saturday at the HMGS CYBER WARS convention.

For details, you can go here:


I've signed up to play in both games. I won't command either side or give any advice, so I don't unbalance the game as the designer of the original scenario. I'll take whatever units are given to me and try to faithfully execute the orders of my Herero or German commander. Or die trying!

Tom did all the translation of my scenario to Tabletop Simulator himself. So this will be my first time experiencing the TTS version of the scenario. This will be as new for me as for all the other players. Even newer for me, perhaps, because it's my first time playing Tabletop Simulator.

Tom has always been a sharp and enthusiastic player in my games, so I am excited to play in his game and looking forward to it. It should be a lot of fun!

Sydney Gamer12 Nov 2020 4:06 a.m. PST

Nice to hear from you, Roy. Keep well in these difficult times!

jefritrout15 Nov 2020 7:51 p.m. PST

Dr. Roy,

I wish that I could sit at the table, play your game, and just have fun chatting about history and family like we've done in the past.


rjones6917 Nov 2020 2:09 a.m. PST

Nice to hear from you, Roy. Keep well in these difficult times!

Great to hear from you Noel! Keep safe!

rjones6917 Nov 2020 2:10 a.m. PST

Dr. Roy,

I wish that I could sit at the table, play your game, and just have fun chatting about history and family like we've done in the past.


I miss those times too Jeff. It brings back good memories. Let's hope we'll be at the game table together chatting in 2021.

SgtGuinness17 Nov 2020 1:03 p.m. PST

@Roy, how did the game go? Any AAR's?

@Jeff, amen, looking forward to that as well. We don't know what we have until it's gone. Who'd of thought we'd be in this predicament!

Be well and stay healthy.

rjones6923 Nov 2020 8:41 a.m. PST

@Jeff Baumal (JB)


The games went very well. Tom did a great job gamemastering and the players had a lot of fun.

If you go to the article on the CYBER WARS convention at, and go to the paragraph entitled "THE FUTURE", the first image in that paragraph is from one of the Herero War games:


As you can see, Tom did a great job in taking the map from the Otjihinamaparero scenario from the Herero War book and rendering the two terraces of the Hereros' Rock Wall.

The image is from the Saturday game, Turn 3, during the Fire Phase. How do I know it's from the Saturday game, not the Thursday game? Because I recognize the two blue Herero units and one tan/brown Herero unit on the lower terrace that obliterated my Schutztruppen in the valley below.

How do I know it's Turn 3, during the Fire Phase? Because in the valley I see two Schutztruppen figures in one unit near the wall (in the valley, between the two green trees) and a second 4-figure Schutztruppe unit to the south (just below the red line in the valley).

Those are my units. I started Turn 3 with a 3-man Schutztruppe unit and a 4-man Schutztruppe unit: only 7 of my original 16 figures still alive.

I ended Turn 3 with only a single 2-man unit (the one that started out with 3 figures): only 2 of my original 16 figures still alive! One tends to remember that carnage – for the rest of one's bleeping life!

And that's how I know it's Saturday, Turn 3, during the Fire Phase!

We Germans ended up marginally winning the Saturday afternoon game, or more accurately marginally not losing, but decisively winning the earlier game Thursday night. I'll be posting AAR's later on this week.

Keep safe!


SgtGuinness25 Nov 2020 6:38 p.m. PST

@Roy, sounds fun and exciting! I look forward to your AAR's. Great modeling on that terrain. I can't wait to see more pictures.

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