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"Dozens Of North Korean Soldiers Injured Laying Landmines" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP28 Oct 2020 12:36 p.m. PST

…Along The Chinese Border.

"Dozens of North Korean soldiers were injured in two separate incidents while they were laying landmines near the Sino-Korean border to block citizens from fleeing to China to escape grim economic conditions made worse by coronavirus controls, sources in the country told RFA.

Pyongyang has rolled out a series of aggressive measures since summer to block access to the 880-mile-long border, a conduit for trade, smuggling, and North Koreans seeking work in China or escape onward to South Korea. The border has been closed since January under COVID-19 prevention measures, compounding the hardships for residents of Asia's poorest country…"


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Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP28 Oct 2020 1:14 p.m. PST

Laying mines to keep your people in. Some would call that a clue as how you're doing as a leader.

StarCruiser28 Oct 2020 2:28 p.m. PST

I think the "Kims", in general, have been pretty solidly clueless for a long time…

panzerfrans28 Oct 2020 2:55 p.m. PST

North Korea, another socialist success story…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Oct 2020 3:55 p.m. PST

Yes those were not to keep China, etc., out but North Koreans in …

How do you say DOH in Korean ?

skipper John28 Oct 2020 5:53 p.m. PST

I've always thought this photo was worth 1000 words!

arealdeadone28 Oct 2020 6:38 p.m. PST

I think the "Kims", in general, have been pretty solidly clueless for a long time…

Actually they're still in power after all the Euro-Commies went the way of the dodo. They've also outlasted a whole heap of other dictators ala Hussein or the Docs or Gaddafhi or Amin as well as western supported dictators such as Hosni Mubarak.

So seems to me they're doing quite well even if their citizens aren't. After all primary purpose of any leader is to stay in power.

I've always thought this photo was worth 1000 words!

Though ironically and hilariously the Norks are being more environmentally sustainable! :D

USAFpilot28 Oct 2020 7:51 p.m. PST

I've always thought this photo was worth 1000 words!

A slide of that picture came up during a briefing to the Commander USFK, whereupon he pointed his laser pointer at that single light in North Korea (known as Pyongyang) and said, Gentlemen, in the case of war, your job is to put that light out. Or so I've heard.

Garryowen Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2020 5:59 a.m. PST

Too bad more politicians in this country don't get the message from that photo.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2020 8:26 a.m. PST

Actually they're still in power after all the Euro-Commies went the way of the dodo.
Very true … but they are a small nation with some very, very draconian ways of running it. Including a number of concentration/work camps that operations are practically medieval. With 40% of their population living in substandard conditions and even starving.

So seems to me they're doing quite well even if their citizens aren't. After all primary purpose of any leader is to stay in power.

From a humanitarian standpoint he and his cronies should be charged with crimes against humanity and executed. But this is not a perfect world.

whereupon he pointed his laser pointer at that single light in North Korea (known as Pyongyang) and said, Gentlemen, in the case of war, your job is to put that light out. Or so I've heard.
We told similar when I was in the ROK with a forward deployed Mech Bn of the 2ID, '84-'85.

If war broke out for whatever reasons/events. We, i.e. the 2ID, the ROKs and hopefully some UN forces, were to push on to the North Korean capital. Capture Pyongyang and continue to move North and destroy the North Korean forces. Then unify the two Koreas under the democratic South. Everybody save for a few would know Korea would be better off under the [former] South's leadership. Even if it is not perfect …

While in [West]Germany our mission was to reestablish the IGB. No drive on to Berlin, etc. The differences in our missions between the ROK and Western Europe are obvious … i.e. North Korea is not the USSR/WP.

Of course the "wild card" in Korea would once again be the PRC. They had said albeit fairly recently. That if the North attacked the South they would not get involved. But if the ROK, US, UN, etc., attacked North first, that is a different situation. Then they certainly would cross into the North to help defend them from the Western forces' "aggression", etc. as before. I don't know if I'd trust them as the closer we got to the Yalu. They may once again change their minds. Escalating the war.

In Europe, I think the "X factor" would be how many WP forces would actually join the USSR moving West towards the Rhine/Channel.

Too bad more politicians in this country don't get the message from that photo.
You could fill volumes with what some people don't know and even worse … don't care …

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2020 8:49 a.m. PST

North Korean soldiers were injured in two separate incidents while they were laying landmines
On another point I should have brought up earlier. We were trained to emplace mines and booby traps as well are finding, marking and sometimes clearing them. Plus how to use demolitions, explosives, etc.

If any here have been trained and experienced using all these devices, munitions, etc. You know you need to still be careful and aware of what you are doing, etc. E.g. "Now where did I put that blasting cap?" huh?

The better trained and experienced you are is a plus. And the higher quality of the devices and explosives you are using also is important.

I don't know of the level of training those North Korean troops had and what the quality of those mines were. But regardless some how, someone, some way, something went wrong … twice. Both the North Koreans & PRC are noted for not always producing quality devices, explosives and weapons.

E.g. in A'stan I read about a night attack on a US position. It was repulsed, of course. But the next morning all these Chinese made grenades were laying around the area. They didn't explode as again they were not high quality/poorly made. Good for the US troops not so good for AQ or the Taliban trying to use them.

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