"Saunders Casting Machine" Topic
7 Posts
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TemplarWargamer | 19 Oct 2020 5:55 p.m. PST |
Hi all, I currently have a Saunders casting machine which I am thinking of selling. Its in good condition, can anyone give me a rough value? |
martin goddard  | 20 Oct 2020 1:02 a.m. PST |
Assumption. Big blue thing with a lift up lid and 3 claw type retaining arms. On a scaffold type metal frame. Assuming it all works well I would suggest £200.00 GBP or less. That is what i sold my one for in 1995. The problem might be size, weight and how easy it is to get it out of and into it's home??
Suggest buyer collects as it needs a small van not a car. martin
Fighting 15s | 20 Oct 2020 4:32 a.m. PST |
I've seen a good condition Mark V Saunders (with built-in sidetable for a melt pot) sell for anything from £450.00 GBP to £1,500.00 GBP But it'd have to be mint for the high end. Martin's 1995 secondhand price may not reflect the current market for them among new miniatures businesses keen to get something faster in use than a Tiranti. :-) |
IUsedToBeSomeone | 20 Oct 2020 6:43 a.m. PST |
Agree with Ian, Price depends on the model and condition – whether it has variable speed, manual or automatic brake, has been run regularly recently, serviced, etc, etc But anywhere from £200.00 GBP for a wreck to £1,500.00 GBP for an as new one… Mike |
TemplarWargamer | 20 Oct 2020 10:24 a.m. PST |
Thx for the feedback. Where would you recommend for selling the item? regards, Templar |
Fighting 15s | 21 Oct 2020 2:35 a.m. PST |
The best place to advertise it without using eBay would be on the private Miniature Manufacturers Facebook group, because there should be a number of interested parties. If you want to send details and pictures to me I can post there for you. Use hq at fighting15s dot com I don't need another Saunders myself – I have three! |
TemplarWargamer | 29 Oct 2020 5:39 a.m. PST |