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"Halloween,kids first game, Zombicide, AD&D...Need Help!" Topic

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Albus Malum13 Oct 2020 9:29 p.m. PST

Ok.. So I have a young boy(very excited and daughter only so so interested) who wants to play Dnd ( would be a Ad&d DM- as that is what I was familiar with) and I have in my mind the idea of a first D&D game on Halloween, and my Idea is to try to combine D&D with the Zombicide game (which I dont personally own but seen it played).

I have been 3d printing and painting Dungeon tiles (Openforge)(with magnetics) for use of with D&D when I start the kids playing, and I am eager to use them, and I also have lots and lots of (recently) 3d printed Zombies and Skeletons.

So I like the idea of the spawn points for Zombies from Zombicide, and want to do a Zombicide like game for my kids on Halloween as a alternative to Trick-or treating, but I am not sure how to exactly combine the ideas for young kids, especially as I dont really want them playing their first Dnd game as higher level players, and I am not also sure if I want to use this as a springboard into a longer term dnd campaign, so just playing this as a one shot game like a zombicide game may be ok.

Has anyone here had any experience with Zombicide( I would do it in a fantasy type setting) and Dnd and either combined the two, or thought of combining the two.

ya, I know I could fork out a hundred dollars for Zombicide black plague, but since I have all the minis I need via my 3d resin printer, and all the dungeon tiles via my fdm printer it seems like a waste of money to spend so much money on what would essentially be just a few paper cards and a tray to hold them, and Halloween is creeping up fast.

Ive considered just running them thru "Keep on the Borderlands" as their first Dnd adventure, but thought Halloween Zombicide Dnd would be a good idea also as a good intro… on Halloween….

But Need some advice from anyone willing to give it.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2020 7:26 a.m. PST

1.) How old are the kids?
2.) What edition of D&D?

I have a simple introductory adventure designed for quick play which I can send you. It features goblins, wolves, skeletons, zombies, and a goblin necromancer who wants to take over the world with an army of undead. And it's a 1st level adventure.
I'd say it's best for kids 10 and up, as it can require a bit of thinking here and there. I use it with teens at a program I've run at our local library.
It's for either 5e or Basic D&D (Mentzer editions circa 1980s-‘90s).

You don't need to use figs, but can if you want to.
At most only 8 skeletons/zombies will be in a battle at any given time.
Goblins can be as many as a dozen (but the battle won't be sustained).

If you're interested, we can arrange a way to for me to send you a PDF.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2020 7:27 a.m. PST

Keep combat simple, and fast. Give the kids a good chance to kill the Zombies, so they will feel a sense of accomplishment. Let them be hurt, but not killed, if possible. Not sure how to rope in the daughter's interest, other than maybe allow her to rescue a puppy, or some such. She will likely connect with a vulnerable puppy, or teddy bear, or some such McGuffin. Best of luck! Cheers!

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP14 Oct 2020 7:32 a.m. PST

Have your kids roll the 3d6 for attributes and help them build a character. Ignore magic to start, stick with fighter types and magic items (potions and the like).

Draw up a simple combat system but just make the rest up as you go. For novelty's sake, roll a D20 to hit. Players roll a d8 damage. Zombies score 1 point damage BUT chance of infection?

Once the kids get the hang of what makes DnD / RPGs different, you can see if they would really play more than once or if it's more of a once or twice thing.

My daughter played DnD briefly, but then moved on to other non RPGs. Glad I didn't spend a lot of money on books for her…

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP14 Oct 2020 10:21 a.m. PST

Don't forget, the 5e core rules are a free download. Look for them here: link

That's all you need to start playing 5e using the "classic" core classes and races.

But you still may be better off with something simpler, as 5e is character-rules heavy.

ALL of the previous edition rules are available from as downloadable PDFs, typically for $4.99 USD – $9.99 USD. You can also buy POD hardback or paperback copies, too.

You can also look at free "retro clones" like Swords & Wizardry (Re-does the original 1974-77 games), Labyrinth Lord (a mix of the original and AD&D 1e), Dark Dungeons (redoes the "Basic" D&D Rules Cyclopedia of 1991-- Mentzer's version, more or less), among others.

For a good place to discover old school gaming resources and enthusiasts (emphasis on 1e, but others are well represented), check out

Whichever you use, I would recommend very basic character classes and actions, with little complexity or fluff. You handle the details of how things work; they simply tell you what they want their character to do, move the figure and get to roll dice. The old Basic game is probably the best for that.

Albus Malum14 Oct 2020 9:10 p.m. PST

To answer a couple questions. Of coarse, the goal is to try to combine the game "Zombicide" with Dnd for the kids, but as I mentioned, I would be using AD&D, which is usually defined as either 1st or 2nd edition, but I would use 1st edition, or combine 1st with basic. I have all the books, for several editions, but to prevent this thread from becoming a thread about editions, I will just say, If I combine Zombicide with D&D, for the kids, I will be something between basic and 1st edition.

My kids are nine and seven, and have played battlesystem a couple times (very Abreviated for my daughter), my boy just loves Wargaming, but my time restraints restricts how much I can play wargames with him.

Anyway, maybe few here have played the game Zombicide.

Sgt Slag, I think you nailed it on the head, my girl loves puppies, eats drinks sleeps puppies. I had been thinking of letting her have a dog on the adventure/quest, I think what ever I do, I will try to incorperate her trying to rescue a puppy, thanks for cementing the idea.

The kids have played the "old" Dungeon board game, and have enjoyed it, so they are not unfamiliar with the idea of DnD dungeon crawl.

I had been planning to try to delay them actually playing DnD for a year or two longer, and hoping for them to find a few kids their age to play with (hard to do in the small town I live in, especially at their young age, and it just became harder, as I started homeschooling the kids, not because I worry about them getting covid, but think the psychological damage of them being forced to wear masks and liberty issues, out weights the risk of the disease to anyone in my family. My town, in one of the most rural states in the country has had 1 death blamed on corvid, but everyone in town knows the elderly gentleman died of a very deadly cancer in its later stage. Dont want this to become a thread about this either, but given the circumstances, I have decided to introduce them to Dnd, possibly combined with the ideas of the Zombicide Game. My original Goal was to Introduce them to D&D in about a year from now, using "Keep on the Borderland" How I started back in 1979. My boy is so wanting to play, but since the "Keep" would be a better experience for them with a few more kids, and Right now, finding those kids may not be possible, I came up with the Idea of Zombicide Dnd, If i can combine the two.

THe part of the Zombicide game that makes it difficult, is that during the coarse of the game the Players essentially level up 2 or 3 times, exactly opposite to my DMing style, as such, much of my conflict in how to combine the two together. To properly run the Zombicide game, using the game rules or trying to combine with Dnd, quick leveling is needed in the Zombicide game or it would be come just too impossible I think. Not really sure If I can accomplish all I want to, or not.

Anyways, I appreciate all the input, and any future input, Ultimately I think Im going to run out of time, and will have to just go one route or the other.

Grizzly7115 Oct 2020 10:21 p.m. PST

The Zombicide BP rules are free as a pdf if you want to use that as a reference.

PDF link

As for keeping thing simple without having to throw a lot of items at the kids; the basic zombies have d4 hit points, higher monsters have d6, d8 or even d10. Maybe toss in one or two +1 or +2 to hit items part way thru. Use a NPC(the puppy/dog you mentioned previously?) to help guide them.

Ed the Two Hour Wargames guy16 Oct 2020 12:31 p.m. PST

Email me at Put Halloween Game in the subject line.

I'll send you a PDF of All Things Zombie. Designed for solo and same side play.


Albus Malum16 Oct 2020 5:35 p.m. PST

Been trying to print the rules for zombicide at work, but my work computer doesn't let me open their website. I like the point spread for HP, probably a good starting place. Was considering turning all of the Zombicide cards into a random number chart, if I have time, If I can simplify it by using dnd rules, I figure it would be easier still.

CeruLucifus16 Oct 2020 9:45 p.m. PST

D&D4E had a concept that wasn't used much, but I thought was very clever: Minions. These were monsters that had 1 HP. Any hit killed them. This is perfect for horde games especially at low level. No bookeeping! Just remove figures when hit.

For Zombies, give them a regen roll to come back. This is basically how 5E plays Zombies anyway.

For tougher monsters, give them 8-10 HP: 2 hit Minions basically, although a really good hit takes them out in one go.

Leaders and other Boss monsters have normal hit points.

Russ Lockwood20 Oct 2020 2:40 p.m. PST

Here's a review I did of Zombiecide back in 2015… Sorry, the photos are in the PDF, neither online…


By Russ Lockwood

At Steve's 15th Annual Gaming weekend, we played Zombiecide, a beer & pretzels game of grabbing survival stuff and bashing zombies. It has some logic leaps, but otherwise is quite an entertaining game.


You play the survivors of the usual zombie plague out to do a "mission." In our case, we six survivors (in real life Steve, Dan, Ed, Mike, Phil, and myself -- all playing for the first time except for Steve) are looking for six items of food in a zombie-infested town, and we need to put them into two cars and drive off the board.

The Town:

The town consists of six geomorphic foot-square geomorphic boards (the game contains nine of these, double-sided) that butt up against each other in various fashion. Our scenario showed us in a single-room (area) building across the street from a big 14-room mansion that will contain the food, weapons, and other loot. A small two-room building to our left and also across the street was also available. The streets also contain areas, cleverly delineated by crosswalks.

Two cars, a police car and a pimpmobile, were located in the street, one on each side of the mansion. The reason we need to use two cars is because the rules say you can only fit four people per car. Yeah, that's another logic leap.

An exit market showed where we had to drive to in order to leave and four other markers (three on different streets and one in the two-room building) showed zombie spawn zones.

The mansion had four entrances/exits -- all locked doors. Zombies were locked inside, but we could not enter until we opened at least one door. Apparently, windows are not an option (I warned you of logic leaps).


Hey, that's us. Each got a card with a description of any special attribute, spots for five possessions (cards), and a color-coded row along the top that tallies our zombie kills. Record a certain number of kills and your abilities increased.

Each survivor gets three actions per turn. An action is move, shoot/swing/attack, search, and so on. Special attributes often figure into these actions. For example, the girl on the rollerskates can move two areas per action instead of one. My character, Ned, gets a free search action. And so on. Although you can only take one search action per turn, you can take multiple move and attack actions.


The game contains 62 equipment cards that offer a wide array of weaponry and equipment. Of the 62, seven are food cards. Since you need six to complete your mission, where you find them in the deck has a lot to do with success or failure. If you find them early, you can leave before the zombies become a band of brothers. Uncover them late and you're facing the apocalypse army.

Ned the Legend (that's me) started with an axe. If I recall rightly (dangerous ground here), five of the six players started with a weapon -- a pistol, crowbar, and two frying pans. One did not wield a weapon, or, maybe we gave something to the sixth player. I mean, we're in a looted town, there should be a stick somewhere, but I can't remember -- should have taken notes.

Most everything creates noise, which is recorded in the area with a triangular marker. Apparently, zombies possess excellent hearing because they can hear a survivor breathe on the opposite side of a building or deep with the mansion. In any case, noise lures zombies.


Most are Walkers. They move one area, have one hit point, and are probably looking for brains. Next step up are Runners, which move two areas per turn, take one hit point, but are the last to drop when attacking an area full of zombies. Fatties take two hit points and move one area. There is also one large abomination that takes three hit points.

Note that only certain weapons deal out two and three damage points and are the only weapons that can kill a fatty or abomination. You cannot pile on one-damage hits to kill a fatty or abomination. Another leap of logic on that, but that's the physics of zombietown.

Zombiecide contains 71 plastic figures (32mm scale): 6 Survivors, 40 Walkers, 16 Runners, 8 Fatties, and 1 Abomination. They are quite nicely sculpted with a variety of poses. Steve went the extra mile and painted all the plastic figures, which makes for a cool-looking board game.

Zombie Cards:

Each turn, zombies spawn -- you flip over a Zombie Card and place that many zombies in the area with a marker. Then you go to the next marker, and more zombies (usually) appear. In this game, four spawn sites meant four cards.

In addition, when you enter the mansion, each room gets a zombie card that tells how many zombies are in the room.

Here's the cool mechanic part. The zombie cards have four color codes which correspond to the color coding of the players' kill tally. The game starts with all players having zero kills and are in the blue zone. At about 7 or 8 kills, the color coding becomes yellow. At around 20 kills or so, the color becomes orange, and then at 40 or so, it turns red.

When one player hits a new color, all zombie cards use the new color. As you can imagine, the warmer the color, the more zombies show up. At blue, a number of cards have zero zombies. At yellow, each card will have at least one show up, quite often three and four, and some have even more.

So, you have a game clock mechanism (more and more zombies) within a game clock mechanism (search for six cards out of a deck). Nicely done, that.

Zombie Movement:

Zombies use preprogrammed movement. Zombies will move towards any survivors they can see, closest first. If not, they will move towards the loudest noise, closest first, then next loudest and so on.


Each weapon rolls a certain number of six-sided dice trying to meet or beat a number to place hits on zombies. The bigger and badder the weapon, the more damage you can do. Most hand-held weapons do one damage, although the axe does two, and the zombies must be in the same area to be hit. Some guns have a range of up to three areas. The molotov cocktail has a range of one area but kills all zombies in that area. You get the idea.


"Well, we made it this far without seeing a zombie," Ned said, peeking out into the street. "The mansion across the street looks intact. The doors are locked."

Six survivors huddled in a small building across from a mansion.

"Anyone have anything to open the door?" Steve asked, fingering his main weapon, a frying pan.

"I have an axe," Ned replied.

"I have a crowbar," Dan noted.

"I have another pan," Ed said.

"I have a pistol," Phil noted.

"I only have roller skates," Mike said. "Shouldn't there be a stick around here?"

"Well, we have to get a move on," Steve suggested, and headed out the door on the way to the police car.

Rollerskate Mike headed for the pimp mobile, Dan moved across the street and opened one of the front doors with his crowbar.

Immediately, we heard the call of the zombie: "BRAYYYYYYNS!"

Phil moved to the front door. Ed crossed the street and entered the house, searching for the all-important food, but found a glass bottle -- which was half of what he needed to make a molotov cocktail.

Gripping his axe, Ned also crossed the street, entered the house, and found a baseball bat.

Ten zombies immediately started to shuffle towards the front room, attracted by the noise. A couple more appeared on the street.

"You gotta keep quiet in there," Dan urged. "They'll hear the noise."

"What noise?" Ned asked.

"Apparently, your breathing." Ed offered.

"My breathing? What about your breathing?"

"All breathing."

"Shut your festering gobs, you mouth breathers!" Phil commanded. "You're making noise. There's 10 zombies in the mansion heading this way."

Mike rolled to the pimpmobile and found a shotgun as Dan entered the house and searched. Phil pumped lead into nearby zombies, splattering them. Ed and Ned searched. Steve made it to the police car and searched, mistaking a bag of rice (one of the seven precious food cards) for a bag o' glass and dropped it, picking up an assault rifle instead.

Three zombies shuffled into the front room with Ned, Ed, and Dan. Dan brained one with a crowbar. Phil shot the other two. Whew, that was a near-run thing.

Actually, the laws of physics in Zombietown mandate that when a survivor shoots into a room containing zombies and other survivors, the zombies are the last targets hit! Leapin' Logics, zombies get shot last? Yes indeed, although one house rule is that survivors are hit only if a shot misses a zombie. As newbies, we called a mulligan and ignored such physics that one time.

Back in the mansion, Ned and Ed searched, with Ned finding the gasoline and giving it to Ed, who made a molotov cocktail.

After this, events occurred quickly. The survivors cleared the mansion of zombies, putting Mike at the front door and picking up a better array of weapons, but many zombies formed a conga line heading for the front door. The first big group was picked off by combined fire and retreat. Another horde, including a fatty, was in Ed's sights when he loosed the molotov cocktail. WHOOSH! A little zombie BBQ.

Mike took a drive up the street, blasting zombies whenever they appeared. He was about to turn the corner, when he found out that physics in Zombietown mandate hitting everyone in the road, including other survivors with their thumb out looking for a lift. Mike backed the car back to its starting position and headed back into the mansion.

About this time, Ned hopped into the police car and moved it down the street, Steve in the rear-view mirror yelling about what sort of brain-dead driver moves the car towards the zombie spawn zone.

Ned, very ineffective at killing zombies but very good at finding food and weapons, shrugged and said, "Get in the car! Get in the car!"

"No need to panic," Steve retorted. "We need to draw the zombies away from the others."

"Bloody backseat driver--"

"I'm not in the car!" Steve yelled from down the street.

"Then get in the car! Get in the car!"

Steve finally entered the car.

The sixth of the food items turned up and was loaded into the pimpmobile, with Dan at the wheel and Mike beside him. Ed, now feeling immortal with an atomic-powered flashlight, or as we all called it, a light saber, hung around just inside the front door, waiting for a ride.

Ned drove the cop car to the corner of the mansion, then gunned it across the intersection and headed to the next corner.

"STOP HERE!" Steve yelled. "We got a clear line of fire down both streets and will draw the zombies this way."

Due to the physics of Zombietown, Ned used an action to borrow the assault rifle and his other three actions to gun down zombies. Steve then borrowed the gun back and blasted more zombies, clearing the streets. Indeed, there were but three zombies left in all of Zombietown prior to the next spawn.

The pimpmobile with Dan, Phil, and Mike eased in front of the mansion, picked up Ed and drove out of town, followed immediately by the police car with Ned and Ed.


That was an entertaining little game despite some of the logic leaps. With six players, we were able to regulate our zombie killing and thus keep the color code limited to yellow. If it was a four-player game, I suspect that would be more difficult limiting the color codes, not to mention a reduction of available firepower to sweep the streets and rooms of zombies.

We were also fortunate that we only had to go through about half the 62 equipment cards to find the six items of food. We actually found all seven, but, in Zombietown physics, if you are searching the police car, you MUST find a weapon and discard everything else. So, the bag of rice was "found" in the police car, but had to be discarded as it was not a weapon.

The game took about three hours. The description above is best I can remember, although truncated and quite possibly mixing up player actions and finds as turns move quickly once you get the hang of it. Definitely worth a second playing.

Albus Malum31 Oct 2020 9:29 p.m. PST

So here is what I did. A week ago, I found on Ebay a copy of Zombicide BLack Plague, minus the Miniatues for a rather reduced price. So since I had my 3d printer and many skeletons and zombies printed up, I put the steam on in trying to get them all painted so use with Zombicide ( it was closer to Skeletocide actually.. hehe). I didn't think that the game would arrive so I was just about to have them play keep on the border lands, but somehow the USPS got the game to me quite quickly. ( now I can save having them start playing Dnd for a little longer. ( let my daughter get a little older)

My boy and girl each used a Character mini that they had painted which I had printed, and we had about 30 skeleton to use, 12 zombies, and a couple skeleton puppies that my daughter wanted to use in the game ( so we got her puppies in for her). We used her puppies as the "fatties" as I really didnt have anything else printed to use for them any way. Of all the minis, only my abomination was not painted fully.

Both my boy and my girl enjoyed playing the Zombicide game, although my daughter occasionally wandered off breifly a few times. We just played the starter scene and didnt have time in the after noon to start and finish another game. I asked them if they wanted to skip going trick-or-treating and instead play Zombicide again in the evening, but they wanted the candy ( especially my girl wanted the candy). Anyway, we hope to play another game of Zombicide tomorrow, and both kids wanted to play.

Any ways thanks for all who game me suggestions. Happy Halloween.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2020 7:14 p.m. PST

Two thumbs, way up! Cheers!

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