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"What if T-Rex were Still Alive?" Topic

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Tango0112 Oct 2020 10:35 p.m. PST

"Tyrannosaurus Rex. King of the tyrant lizards. It's 6 meters tall (20 feet), 12 meters (40 feet) long, and it weighs upward of seven tons. You can hide from it, you might even be able to outrun it, but do you really want to do this every day?

What would it be like to live with T. rex? Would we keep them in zoos? Would we eat them in restaurants? Would we wear them on our backs? Or would we live in constant fear of being chomped, clawed, or trampled?…"
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Thresher0113 Oct 2020 1:04 a.m. PST

Dinosaur Barbecue IS the answer, and already has us covered:

Of course, catching them, and/or running from and killing them can be a bit problematical, unless you own a tank, or have some RPGs handy.

Choctaw13 Oct 2020 6:56 a.m. PST

In Texas we have wild hogs which decimate crops, fields, yards, wildlife and otherwise cause millions of dollars in damage annually. It would be a nice change to shoot a big lizard once in a while.

John the OFM13 Oct 2020 8:17 a.m. PST

A lot of evolution would have occurred in 66 million years. Maybe they get their arms back. And become civilized.

Regarding the feral hogs, can you think of a better way to control them than with a few T-Reges? (Let's assume that being civilized now, they know how to make proper Latin plurals.)

Let's assume that humans were permitted by T-Reges to also become civilized. We have treaties. Like the bison and grizzly bears in Yellowstone, humans should take precautions around them.
If any humans become annoying and want to take selfies, any T-Rex who is irritated is immune from prosecution.

Tango0113 Oct 2020 12:29 p.m. PST



Rudysnelson13 Oct 2020 12:45 p.m. PST

Never happen. Big game hunters would have hunted them to extinction. The Hollywood impervious to billers is a farce.

Palewarrior13 Oct 2020 12:55 p.m. PST

I can u imagine it…

SWMBO "Honey the Trex's have invited us over for dinner again"

You " Oh no,really?" sigh… "All they do is go on about how good it was in the old days, to be honest they're a bunch of dinosaurs"

SWMBO " Hey now, don't be racist!" ;)

Thresher0113 Oct 2020 8:13 p.m. PST

"Regarding the feral hogs, can you think of a better way to control them than with a few T-Reges? (Let's assume that being civilized now, they know how to make proper Latin plurals.)".


Humans with bows and arrows, shotguns, and pistols.

Apparently, wild boar, especially the little ones, can be quite tasty. Cheap bacon, sausages, hams, ribs, etc., etc.. It would be nice to have bacon again for less than $4.00 USD – $10 USD a pound, like it sells for at the grocery store.

Just in case you do catch a big dino, or one of their smaller ancestors, there's a free recipe of Dinosaur Barbecue's Mutha Sauce available on-line too. I haven't tried it, but suspect it would be great for smoking or grilling large, prehistoric lizards and bird ancestors, in addition to more traditional items from the store.

Zephyr113 Oct 2020 9:23 p.m. PST

"Never happen. Big game hunters would have hunted them to extinction."


Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2020 11:38 p.m. PST

"SWMBO " Hey now, don't be racist!"

I'm not being racist. I'm being speiesist, try to get it right.

Now I duck because she's about to hit me.

42flanker14 Oct 2020 3:01 a.m. PST

Tastes like fishy chicken

("T Reges"+1 John OFM)

Tango0114 Oct 2020 12:34 p.m. PST



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