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Must Contain Minis11 Oct 2020 9:48 p.m. PST

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all the Canadians out there! For me, there is not too much going on. Due to COVID, our family gatherings were cancelled. That said, I got two posts up this weekend, worked on an a terrain review for tomorrow night and published my third YouTube Video. link

What did you get done over this Holiday Weekend?

Fred Mills12 Oct 2020 4:32 a.m. PST

Gobble gobble! A lunch-time patio gathering yesterday in the fall sun, with turkey and all the fix-uns. Not exactly what we were used to, but it respected the 'bubble' and public health guidelines. Dark pints helped extend the conversation.

And as the temperature dipped and the yard emptied, why there was time for some small painting progress in the basement bunker.

Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2020 5:02 a.m. PST

Yep…and to you! Just our "bubble" for dinner….turkey..dressing…lashings of gravy…mashed beans…corn…squash…washed down with a lovely Burgundy (Alfred Bichot). Pumpkin pie for dessert..

Hobby: 1/72 Zulus…1/72 Natal Native Horse, 1/72 French line…15mm Russian artillery (2 guns and crew), 1/1200 USS Constellation and Essex plus a Langton 20 gun French corvette all finished (had started them all earlier).

Personal logo StoneMtnMinis Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2020 5:08 a.m. PST

To all our Canadian friends and gamers: Happy Thanksgiving!!


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2020 6:54 a.m. PST

Many thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

We normally host my wife's very robust French Canadian family, which means 30 + people, lots of food, playing cards, abundant alcohol, singing, campfires, etc – not this year due to COVID; just our kids and grandkids minus No 3 son who is on call (see what being a surgeon does to you) – and No 1 son said, "I like steak better than turkey", which was just fine since steak is about 100 times easier to cook than turkey

So much smaller gathering but good fun for those who could be there

ZULUPAUL Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2020 7:18 a.m. PST

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian neighbors. And Happy Columbus day in the USA.

KevinV12 Oct 2020 7:21 a.m. PST

Thank you. We did a much smaller (numbers not food) gathering on Sunday as we always do. Leaving Monday to recover. Turkey with all the trimmings, my son, the chef, baked pumpkin pie for desert. We had a couple of his army buddies stuck here in the bubble who couldn't go home. They painted, played video games, watched Happy Gilmore and Kick Ass and played Age of Sigmar till the wee hours.

Good time during these bad times.

Patrick Sexton12 Oct 2020 9:15 a.m. PST

Happy Thanksgiving!

Bravo Six12 Oct 2020 11:10 a.m. PST

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks. This one's like no other one I've ever experienced. Thanks Covid.

epturner12 Oct 2020 12:23 p.m. PST

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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