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"28mm Prussian figures for the French Revolutionary Wars?" Topic

15 Posts

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP30 Sep 2020 8:39 a.m. PST

Hello everyone,

Which factory sells 28mm Prussian figures for the French Revolutionary Wars?

Thank you.

Fanch du Leon30 Sep 2020 9:09 a.m. PST

Hello Paskal, see the Emperor Toad Emporium in UK, do Prussian infantry. Nice figures and very nice compagny very active on its French Revolution range.

Brownand30 Sep 2020 10:43 a.m. PST

sadly just infantry yet

jedburgh30 Sep 2020 3:57 p.m. PST

Wargames Foundry have some early Prussians


hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP30 Sep 2020 9:48 p.m. PST

Thank you all and thank you jedburgh, but the early Prussians of the Napoleonic period (1806-1807) are different from those of 1792.

Canuck6402 Oct 2020 10:17 a.m. PST

I believe Elite miniatures has a range of French revolutionary war and 1806 Prussians available.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2020 12:01 a.m. PST

Yes but the early French and Prussians of the Napoleonic period (1806-1807) are different from those of 1792.

Canuck6403 Oct 2020 1:51 a.m. PST

Sorry, my mistake. Elite miniature's Collector Series only covers 1796 Austrian and French, not Prussians. Sorry about that.

18th Century Guy Supporting Member of TMP03 Oct 2020 5:49 p.m. PST

I know of 3 companies, 2 have been listed – Emperor Toad's & Foundry. Take a look at Eureka to see what they might have.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP07 Oct 2020 2:21 a.m. PST

Yes thank you but where we find Prussian artillery and cavalry of 1792 in 28mm?.

Molesworth118 Oct 2020 3:55 a.m. PST

Foundry do Prussians for Valmy. Infantry, gun crew and heavy cavalry.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2020 12:22 a.m. PST

Yes I just found them.

panzerwaffen13 Jul 2023 3:11 p.m. PST

As regards Emperor Toads Emporium in the UK I'm going on 2 years now without the rest of my order being sent. Has said numerous times he was sending out. By the looks of the comments on his FB page a lot of people have been taken. He continues to post sales etc, then has very poor to no communication, and will not issue refund. Or stops communicating at all. Do not fall victim to this business avoid it like the plague!

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 May 2024 7:30 a.m. PST


Emperor Toads Emporium in the UK is a thieves' enterprise?!

johannes5507 Jul 2024 2:56 a.m. PST

Emperor toad doesn't exist anymore, their FR figures are now owned/sold by Skytrex.

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