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"Chilled Iron Field of Glory Open Tournament" Topic

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Berthier229 Sep 2020 6:29 a.m. PST

To fill the gap with the cancellation of Bayou Wars 28, the Chilled Iron Field of Glory Tournament will be held in Fultondale, AL, November 14-15, 2020, in the Casa De Anders Basement.

Tournament Rules and Format
*Table size will be 4x6.
*This will be a 4 round tournament. Each round will be 3 hours plus 1d6 of random time. When time is called, players will finish the current phase.
*Round 1 will start at 9 AM on Nov 14 or shortly thereafter
*V3 rules and current FAQ from BHGS website will be used.
*We will use the 100 point ADLG scoring method for round by round results.
*1 list, 800 points.
*This will be an open tournament.
*Christopher Anders will referee. Lists are due to no later than November 7. Late lists give your opponent choice of terrain before initiative is rolled.
*There is no tournament fee for Chilled Iron.

There are multiple hotels at the Fultondale-Walker's Chapel Road exit to chose from and if flying in a shuttle from the airport can be arranged with notice.

Berthier209 Nov 2020 11:16 a.m. PST

We have 5 confirmed for this upcoming weekend's Chilled Iron FOG Tournament. We are scheduled for 4 rounds (3 Saturday & 1 Sunday) but may end up doing a round robin on Saturday instead if the numbers stay as they are.

In alphabetical order, we have the following players signed up:

Gino Agnelly
Christopher Anders
Lee Cleveland
Joey Miller
Willard Moore

In alphabetical order, we have the following lists submitted:

New Kingdom Egytian
Nikeforian Byzantine
Teutonic Knights

Berthier215 Nov 2020 10:51 a.m. PST

Congratulations to Joey Miller for winning the first ever Chilled Iron FOG Tournament. Full results and pictures are up on the blog:


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