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"Creators of Combat Wheelchair Miniatures on the ..." Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP16 Sep 2020 3:10 p.m. PST

….Challenges of Pushing RPGs to a More Inclusive Future

"There's a popular saying in the cosplay community: "Cosplay is for everyone." This expands to nerd culture as a whole, but sometimes fandoms need a boost. This is where designer Sara Thompson's The Combat Wheelchair Dungeons & Dragons mod comes into play. io9 has an exclusive look at two miniatures created in tribute to her mod, as well as a talk with the designers about how this is only the beginning.

Strata Miniatures has unveiled a series of new combat miniatures featuring wheelchair users for its ongoing collection, which was designed to model Thompson's The Combat Wheelchair mod she created for Dungeons & Dragons. The guide debuted last month and had grown in popularity with wheelchair users praising it for creating an inclusive way to bring adaptive devices into D&D. There has also been a backlash, one triggered by the hypocritical belief that a roleplaying game where characters wield magic, weaponry, and otherworldly feats with the greatest of ease cannot include a combat wheelchair…"

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Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP16 Sep 2020 3:58 p.m. PST

Good on ‘em. Superb sculpts, long overdue.

PaulCollins16 Sep 2020 4:25 p.m. PST

Ultra cool.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian16 Sep 2020 6:01 p.m. PST

…the hypocritical belief that a roleplaying game where characters wield magic, weaponry, and otherworldly feats with the greatest of ease cannot include a combat wheelchair…

Are resurrection spells still a dime a dozen? If so, then wouldn't similar magic remove the need for wheelchairs? Or wouldn't they have something magical that was better than wheelchairs?

Isn't the idea of roleplaying that we can roleplay the characters that we dream of being?

Garand16 Sep 2020 6:22 p.m. PST

I think a Heal spell should take care of any need for a wheelchair, unless the problem was due to a birth defect.


Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP17 Sep 2020 4:34 a.m. PST

Pushing the PC agenda. I can understand why some people might want these, but what does a adventure party do when the come to a staircase? I don't think most dungeons are ADA compliant.

javelin9817 Sep 2020 9:02 a.m. PST

Yeah, it's PC and all that implies, but at the end of the day, so what? I can pretend to be a swashbuckling dragonborn bard who worships a chaotic god of river magic and fights using a spiked chain, but she can't pretend to be the fantasy version of Professor X? I'd be cool with it.

Personal logo FingerandToeGlenn Sponsoring Member of TMP17 Sep 2020 10:04 a.m. PST

For me it's a so what. While it makes more sense in a sci-fi setting, in the end it's fantasy. Go for it.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP17 Sep 2020 10:59 a.m. PST

Glad you like it boys!


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