"Wishmaster Is Still One of the Best Bad Movies Ever" Topic
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Tango01  | 03 Sep 2020 8:11 p.m. PST |
"What makes a movie so bad it's good? What elevates a film that's kinda terrible into the rarefied ranks of cult fame? The movie gods hold the true secret of that alchemy close to their popcorn-filled chests, but the magic formula has rarely been so perfectly executed than in 1997's Wishmaster. It's important to approach Wishmaster knowing that it's really two films in one. There's the film itself, a gory fantasy that tells the story of an ancient djinn who's released into modern-day California. Then there's the meta-film, which is more or less a horror-comedy—stuffed full of winks and nudges at genre fans, with cameos galore, character names that pay homage to horror writers (hat-tip to screenwriter Peter Atkins), and the above-the-title endorsement "Wes Craven presents."…" Main page link Amicalement Armand