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"Gaming scene in London, Ontario?" Topic

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DColtman01 Sep 2020 5:55 a.m. PST

Hi folks, it looks like I may be moving to London next year. What is the miniature wargaming scene like? I see there are a couple of b&m shops in town. I play historicals from many periods, KoW and some GW games including 40k, AT and LOTR.

Dave in Edmonton

Must Contain Minis01 Sep 2020 7:30 a.m. PST

Hey Dave,

Checkout The Gaming Chamber when you move to London.

If you feel like going up the road to Kitchener/Cambridge, Forbes Hobbies is excellent too! link

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP01 Sep 2020 8:18 a.m. PST

There is a historical gaming group – we usually meet at the Police station but have been virtual since COVID started

For hobby shops in addition to the above there is Imperial Hobbies downtown

If you want to touch base with the historical gamers, send me a PM and I will get you in touch

DColtman01 Sep 2020 9:15 a.m. PST

Cool thanks – I can't PM since I am not currently a supporting member, but my email is dwcoltman[at]gmail[dot]com

If I know what you guys play, it might shape my painting plans prior to moving!

cmdr kevin01 Sep 2020 10:48 a.m. PST

The Hamilton Road Gaming Group has been meeting at the Crouch branch library (on Hamilton Rd in London hence the name) for over 35 years. We are currently on hiatus because of covid. However individual members still meet up for gaming privately.
A few of us are here on TMP and I am an admin for the facebook group

we play historical and fantasy/sci-fi
and eveything in between

altfritz02 Sep 2020 3:34 a.m. PST

Covid-19 permitting there is also "Hot Lead", the Best Little Convention in Wargaming, held in Stratford in March.

Must Contain Minis02 Sep 2020 4:23 a.m. PST

Hotlead is an amazing convention that is well worth attending!

DColtman02 Sep 2020 4:26 a.m. PST

Thanks everybody! I look forward to meeting you all one day, behind a mask if necessary.


Hazdrubal03 Sep 2020 3:24 p.m. PST

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A tabletop gaming club in London. If you're into board games, war games, TCGs or RPG check them out.,

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