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"Another Hole In The Head - 1/72 Fantasy Orcs" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Skinflint Games30 Aug 2020 4:00 p.m. PST

Because I need another project.

Apparently painting EVERY SINGLE SURFACE in my house has't made me put down the brushes…

D6 Junkie30 Aug 2020 5:35 p.m. PST

Nice, I know how you feel

Stryderg30 Aug 2020 8:00 p.m. PST

Yeah, but did you really paint the undersides of those surfaces? Come on, let's flip over those cabinets and find out! Oh, and nice job on the orcs.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2020 9:24 a.m. PST

Best title ever.

It even got me to look at a fantasy topic.

Another Hole In The Head should be an entire forum on TMP.

- Ix

Skinflint Games10 Sep 2020 3:47 p.m. PST

Thanks guys! @Stryderg yes! The other half has OCD and checks….

@Yellow Admiral, thanks – that's actually a great idea, maybe Bill's listening? ;-)

Skinflint Games20 Oct 2020 3:58 p.m. PST
Skinflint Games27 Feb 2021 11:52 a.m. PST

Swapping periods and scales, here's a big block of 30 1/72 Caesar Fantasy Orcs – part of a big batch I picked up for an absolute steal last summer… will be using these in the hopefully-not-too-distant future for Warhammer Fantasy, One Page Rules' Age Of Fantasy, Age Of Sigmar (maybe) and of course our own Hyperian Wars.

20mm/ 1/72 fantasy does seem to have a growing level of support and if you're looking to get into rank & flank fantasy gaming it's worth checking out – This whole army of around 150 figures came in at under £30.00 GBP and the Caesar stuff is really good quality.

Skinflint Games04 Aug 2021 3:44 p.m. PST
Skinflint Games17 Jun 2022 2:38 p.m. PST

Taking a break from the Blood Angels, I've turned to my other, other project – 1/72 fantasy orc army picked for £25.00 GBP from a retailer all because they'd lost their boxes! And as a bonus, you also get to see them in action..


Awesome stuff.
I love the individually based massed armies.
Great painting by the way.

The H Man20 Jun 2022 11:55 p.m. PST

But… They are not made from plastic Mesh.

Looks like there is something going on with the movement trays that needs explanation though.

And +1 for the ex IBM ruins in the background.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP23 Jun 2022 12:41 p.m. PST

I'm a huge fan of 1/72 fantasy figures. Using Caesar Dwarves for Hill Dwarves (shorter than Mountain Dwarves, by 6" or more, Gygax wasn't explicit in defining their height differences), with my taller, 25mm scale Dwarves. Using Caesar 1/72 Elves as Drow. Nicely in line with Gygax's height description from his 1977 AD&D Monster Manual, especially with 25mm-28mm human figures.

I have over 150 Goblins of 1/72 scale from both Caesar and Red Box Dark Alliance. Love to mix them together: the Red Box are sold as Orcs, but they are roughly the same size as the Caesar Goblins, so I mix them freely. Gives nice variety to the army, as well. Wanted to paint up different tribes (some brick red, some yellow, etc.), but decided to keep them all the same as it was easier/faster/simpler. No need to worry about intermixing different tribes, this way, either.

Nice thing with fantasy is that there are no standard heights for non-human races, so poetic license is my friend. Cheers!

The H Man27 Jun 2022 5:28 p.m. PST

That depends on the rules being played and range/s being used.

I'm pretty sure d&d lists heights and movement rates. So this scales to a height of a model.

Also some games, such as warhammer quest, use doors. Depending on rules these may be literal. A model that's too high may not be able to pass, so there is that also. I'm pretty sure, nwcromunda and the like had those type of rules. Gorkamorka, for example had a rule of fitting as many orks as possible in the back of a vehicle, hence the ridiculously small bases they came with. In that case having narrower models was also a definite advantage. Many games also allow you to soot what you can see, so a taller figure will have trouble.

Most games, with fluff, will often list natural heights.

Some ranges are standardised (at least within their own range), then there is GW.

Skinflint Games27 Aug 2022 10:01 a.m. PST

Taking a trip back to 20mm fantasy, this is the last regiment of my Orc horde – just the shamans…

…and maybe some war machines….

… and there is something special lined up…


Sgt Slag, we're definite converts to the Caesar stuff – yet to try Dark Alliance though..

H Man – we do occasionally spend money X-D if you like the ruins, here's how we did them:

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2022 10:28 a.m. PST

I agree with your comments on banners. They make a huge difference in the spectacle of the game's units, in a very positive way! I made up a mercenary order in my FRPG game world, which I bring battles to the tabletop from. I made up a number of banners for different Units from that very large merc order. I created them using MS Publisher 98, printed them on label paper, cut to size, peeled and stuck them around a brass wire.

It took me years to come up with the idea of using a small diameter plastic straw, as a tube, glued to the backside of the figure bases, upright. Then I painted it black, as a tube to hold the flags. This allows me to change out the flags between stands, as desired.

My flags use the same symbols in the center (spear, with an axe and a sword, crossed over the spear's shaft, in the middle), but each Unit has a different background color. I also added italic, Roman Numerals, to mark the Unit's number, in addition to the color motif. It's like the points in, "Whose Line is it, Anyway?", the numbers don't matter, it's all just for imaginary fluff and fun. The colored flags do show that they are merc units, but they're all different merc units: the fighting 37th; the glorious 23rd Spearmen, etc. Cheers!

Skinflint Games08 Sep 2022 9:20 a.m. PST

Oh that is a VERY neat idea Sgt! Might have to steal that… Yeah, it really does add to the spectacle :-)

Skinflint Games28 Sep 2022 12:56 p.m. PST

That's it, as long as I don't move the goalposts for myself again we can put a tick by this project…

Skinflint Games30 Oct 2023 1:11 p.m. PST

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