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"Command Horizon (EMP Games) Gallery of Images" Topic

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Valderian30 Aug 2020 10:47 a.m. PST







and a review of these minis and others link

Have you played Command Horizon? Is it a good wargame? Have you painted some of the 6mm minis from EMP Games?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2020 11:36 a.m. PST

Nice work ! I've never played CH and have none of their models.

Valderian30 Aug 2020 12:05 p.m. PST

Thank you!

Templar230 Aug 2020 2:53 p.m. PST

Most of the items are listed as out of stock on both the Wargames Emporium and EMP website and no activity on the CH website for over a year and a half. I believe that the range is basically dead so third death for the CH range after Baccus and Gladiator Games.😢😢.


Covert Walrus30 Aug 2020 10:50 p.m. PST

That would be very sad to hear, Gerard.

Valderian30 Aug 2020 11:57 p.m. PST

@ Templar2 – yes, they mostly are, and some of the miniatures, unfortunately, for quite some time. I did not know that under EMP Games Command Horizon is at its third iteration. Has the range been improved since Gladiator Games? (now the range seems to be underdeveloped) And do you remember when they owned these miniatures or when it all started?

Templar231 Aug 2020 4:46 a.m. PST

Valderian, the original range was under Gladiator Games.😢 Hardkill, if you are a member of Taccom index, I refer you to an excellent topic from July 2011 comparing Gladiator to Baccus.

The Gladiator range had a lot of items never released by Baccus such as an enginserting vehicle and a mole bore carrying vehicle both on the medium tank chassis.

As you might know I am the sponsor for the SEM range, I contacted Gladiator way back aND sponsored the walker design, I was looking for a smaller version of the battletech Madcat and I used a Warhammer 40k chaos dreadnought heavily converted

Templar231 Aug 2020 4:53 a.m. PST

Baccus changed the infantry, I believe the original one was to close to Space Marine.

I do not know the original date but woultimately be early 2000 that the Gladiator released the first Hardkill range.

I really liked the range but felt it missed good infantry variety that is why I sponsored the SEM range, I combine the CH vehicles with SEM infantry

Hope this help Valderian



Valderian31 Aug 2020 7:29 a.m. PST

Many thanks for the comprehensive answer, Templar2! There are a lot of things I did not know and I'm glad I've asked. I have read the topic about Gladiator and Baccus. I got to make more time for reading others on Taccom! It was excellent.
Sad to see so many interesting designs not available anymore on the market. Glad to see there was someone, that safeguarded the memory of them. Are there any similar sites?
I went on Legions IV Hire's site to see the SEM minis and I also think you did a good job on sponsoring them. Are they available to a retailer somewhere in Europe?

Templar231 Aug 2020 7:40 a.m. PST


Wargames Emporium used to carry them but PFC C-in-C as you can see in various thread is not very reliable, I think that our gracious host Bill would confirm this has he had very bad dealing with them in the past.

Another European distributor was in Germany, Master of Military but do not know the status of their stock, again PFC not very reliable, but they have a complete listing of all released SEM (73 skus) and I have another 15 or so SKU nevery release.



Valderian31 Aug 2020 7:56 a.m. PST

I went to the Masters of Military site, more for the WW2 miniatures. Did not know they stock sci-fi miniatures, because of the misleading webdesign… I think I will be a little bit bussy in the mid-future evil grin Thanks!

Templar231 Aug 2020 8:33 a.m. PST

Valderian, if you want to see a list of the unreleased SEM items, have a look at the TMP topic Pfc-cinc closing page 2 July 17 entry by Legion 4.

I wish LegionsIVhire would take over the whole range of SEM so that I could work with Brian to complete the range



Valderian31 Aug 2020 9:19 a.m. PST


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2020 9:44 a.m. PST

I'll post the remaining SEM list here too. Maybe it will help motivate someone to get these made. Before I die of old age !😳😩😡

Armed civilians – irregulars 10 greens

MARTHAK droids 5 castings

Kanga wild
Kanga with baggage

Robot 1
Robot 2
Robot light walker
Robot heavy walker

Ga-Ule clan leader on throne [Felids]
Ga-Ule civilians male female teen male teen female so 4 greens [Felids]

Emperor on throne
Emperor guards in beret
Emperor guard Pretoria

Newtonners 9 casts [big enhanced humans]
Newtonners heavy weapons 3 or 4
Newtonners 8 legged lizard green

Air crews 2 castings
Ground crews 3 castings

STARGATE [Not the TV/movie one]

Valderian31 Aug 2020 1:25 p.m. PST

I hope someone does!
Only just from reading the names of the miniatures and they should be interesting to have.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2020 3:33 p.m. PST

Yes I've seen pics of the Greens … they are very cool!!!

Templar204 Sep 2020 8:24 a.m. PST


Have you tried contacting EMP or Wargame Emporium to link them to your review and asked them of their plan for the CH range.



Valderian04 Sep 2020 1:37 p.m. PST

No, but it is a good idea and I will do it. I want to make another order somewhen soon, and I hope they at least not erase this range, because they have few in stock items.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Sep 2020 3:22 p.m. PST

thumbs up

Templar205 Sep 2020 4:14 p.m. PST


Please inform us if you ever get an answer from EMP or Wargames Emporium

Thanks & regards


Templar219 Sep 2020 3:06 p.m. PST


Any update on Command Horizon?



Valderian20 Sep 2020 3:27 a.m. PST

Hi Gerard,
I got answer from EMP. They are planning a restock in the "near future", when this may be exactly, no one knows. I got a certain vibe that in the actual context, developing the range is not taken into consideration.
Hope I am wrong, we will see.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP20 Sep 2020 8:53 a.m. PST

Well … really not bad news !

johnskot10 Oct 2020 11:50 a.m. PST

Hi all

I'm John from EMP and Wargames Emporium.
Really appreacite the people emailing and showing interest in Command Horizon and EMP in general.

I have to say after a prominsing start we did drop the ball for various reasons, I will be glad to chat about that with anyone.
In fact a podcast/youtube video might be good.

We have started to put more effort in with EMP and stocks of Command Horizon will be arriving soon.
We plan on releasing the full original CH range once all the current CH range is in stock.

We found an integral part for the walking cities so will look at getting one or two of them out as I really love those models and we have been asked a number of times.

Some new 6mm items will be added though I can't imagine these until the new year.
Some will be generic 6mm sci-fi and some will fit into the rules we have.

Rules wise we do have some ideas we have been working on though this is more long term.

I am hoping that if we can build more momentum with EMP it will drive us on.
You will see more 28mm stuff come through first as this does sell faster but this will help fund the 6mm.

Any qustions please ask and thanks for keeping it nice, we should have posted on our website and FB.
Sorry about that.

By the way I am mostly working in Mansfield at the moment due to being understaffed so feel free to pop in the shop for a chat or I can usually get into the Sheffield shop once a week.

Templar210 Oct 2020 8:05 p.m. PST

Outstanding news, one good news in this crazy covid year.

The CH range is one of the best and offers a lot of variation and possibilities.

Thanks for the update


Valderian11 Oct 2020 2:26 a.m. PST

Glad to read this!
new in stock minis + new rules + point based system + random mission generator + fluff x 2
Are you planning on developing the story of Command Horizon?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP11 Oct 2020 7:44 a.m. PST

thumbs up The more options for 6mm Sci-fi the better.

johnskot11 Oct 2020 8:39 a.m. PST

Thanks for the positive comments, appreciated.

We do like the story we of Command Horizon and have ideas the story could unfold, though getting miniatures in stock and then producing some new ones will take priority.

Valderian11 Oct 2020 11:49 a.m. PST

thumbs up

Templar211 Oct 2020 12:02 p.m. PST


Did you purchase the CH rulebook, well done, well illustrated and giving background for the 3 main races and is richly illustrated?

If not recommend you get it, I have both the original and revised edition, well worth the price.😊



Mad Mecha Guy13 Oct 2020 12:07 p.m. PST

Just about remember doing the Walking Cities and other couple of races out of plasticard several years ago.

johnskot16 Oct 2020 9:57 a.m. PST

As these were a popular unit for a few scifi games I thought I would let you know the Hornet skimmers are now back in stock.

Valderian16 Oct 2020 10:03 a.m. PST

Nice miniature, indeed! Thank you for this update.

Covert Walrus16 Oct 2020 3:02 p.m. PST

Good to hear! I loved the Centaur/Asori vehicles and infanrty as they had a trult "Non-humna' feel in styel and shape, yet recognizable technologically.

Templar227 Oct 2020 12:20 p.m. PST


Could you give us an update on how the restocking is going



johnskot02 Nov 2020 11:42 a.m. PST

As well as the Skimmers we did get 2 more restocks, sorry not surte which ones they were now.

I have just emailed the caster to get the others when done sent to my house as deliveries during lockdown could be problem to the shop.

When he replies there may be an update on delivery time.

Templar202 Nov 2020 5:57 p.m. PST

Thanks Johnskot


Templar219 Nov 2020 4:56 p.m. PST


I have photos (not high quality taken with my tablet) of the items released by Gladiator but not released by either Bacchus or EMP.

I can send you those photos if you send me an email at



Valderian20 Nov 2020 12:40 p.m. PST

Thank you, Gerard! I have just sent you an email.

Templar220 Nov 2020 2:51 p.m. PST


Photos sent, did you receive them, 2 different emails 3 photos


Valderian21 Nov 2020 8:15 a.m. PST

Received. Thanks!

Templar221 Nov 2020 7:33 p.m. PST


Someone on Taccom index sent me the original release list of Gladiator's HARDKILL range, if you are interested, send me an email at



Many thanks to Lyle from Australia, he graciously sent me this list I had lost in a recent move to a new house.

johnskot06 Feb 2021 10:53 a.m. PST

More restocks online

Asori have had restocks.

Also Raptor and Assault Walkers for the Human Alliance plus more Skim Fighters.

Guardian Theta is back as well.

Valderian07 Feb 2021 3:50 a.m. PST


Covert Walrus07 Mar 2021 6:14 p.m. PST


Legion 4, any news if someone has picked up production on the SEM figures?

Templar208 Mar 2021 9:57 a.m. PST


I have been trying for the past 3 years to get Randy to produce the unreleased SEM but he is no longer answering me.

I have tried to get Bryan at LegionIVHire to take over the range but he only want to distribute the range so I believe the range is dead.

Bryan is currently distributing about 49 SKUs, you might want to contact him about the range future.


Gerard (Templar2)

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Mar 2021 11:00 a.m. PST

At this point … that may be the only option.

Which is very sad, very, very sad … as there are many very nice unreleased model.

Too bad with all the people doing 3D printing, etc., out there no one can be found to pick up the remaining line …


Valderian19 Apr 2021 5:55 a.m. PST

Some new additions to my collection of Command Horizon:





Templar219 Apr 2021 7:56 a.m. PST

Great work Valderian.

Thanks for your review, I always enjoy reading them.

Johnskot, any news on the restocking or future of CH?

Thanks and regards


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2021 7:57 a.m. PST

thumbs up Those are some ugly aliens !!!!

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