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"Siege of Orleans - With 2mm microscale again?" Topic

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Bayernkini25 Aug 2020 1:19 a.m. PST

Because my "Zulu" project is complete finished next 2 weeks, the next microscale idea is on the planning.

"Siege of Orleans"

How it could looks like

The rules i want use to play, are also known so far,
i will use the great "Age of Hannibal" rules from Greg Wagman

This are ancient rules, but the rules are very simple and straight-line and including siege rules.
And all unit types are general the same as in medieval era (light, medium, heavy Infantry/Cavalry e.g.) so you can nearly use the rules complete without any adjustments.

Once the first units/terrain is painted, more pics following.

6mmACW25 Aug 2020 10:01 a.m. PST

That looks like it could be a fantastic game! Can't wait to see photos of this.

Bayernkini25 Aug 2020 10:55 a.m. PST

That looks like it could be a fantastic game!

What about official medieval rules Greg? wink

Legionarius26 Aug 2020 8:08 a.m. PST

Two millimeters seems at the borderline between 3D miniatures and board game pieces. Interesting, but I would need a microscope!

Bayernkini02 Sep 2020 7:49 a.m. PST

First 3D printed test models are here, to see, what is ok and which models must be revised.

Bayernkini24 Sep 2020 2:56 a.m. PST

New printed models arrived, now i can go on with the gameboard.
A first test setup, to see, where the final walls are placed.

And a variant picture, to see if the "destroyed" walls section fits and the "Hoarding" attachment also.

Bayernkini26 Sep 2020 4:20 a.m. PST

Basic Colors on the gameboard are finished, so another setup again.

Next i will do all Defenders and Attackers, because i can then already play on the board as it is.

Later i will add more buildings and maybe revise the existing buildings (with half-timbered style).
And more terrain as bushes, trees will follow later also.

Bayernkini19 Nov 2020 4:03 a.m. PST

In meantime, the (english-burgundian) defenders are ready.

I created also a small "Vikings" addon (STL files), for the fans of those serial

A few painted vikings test models

Bayernkini17 Feb 2021 3:52 a.m. PST

If you doing 5 projects parallel, itīs going on slowly, but itīs going on.

Now here all Knights and Men-At-Arms bases are ready for the French and English army.
Only 10 bases peasants/light infantry left for the french, then itīs done for test playing.

Left the burgundian forces, right the english Men-at-Arms and center the english Knights and Leaders

A little bit closer, in foreground the french leaders and knights.

Bayernkini26 Feb 2021 9:07 a.m. PST

The gameboard is ready to play.
For later promotion game on CONīs the hundreds of town houses still missing, but they will be finished during next 1-2 years ;)

Now only a few posed pics, how it can looks later during game.

Bayernkini07 Mar 2021 11:34 a.m. PST

Ok, the french camp is also ready, now only "a few" more buildings within the town are missing :)

Bayernkini01 Apr 2021 1:56 a.m. PST

The work goes on.
Iīll add a second part right to the town
and in front 2 parts to play "Agingcourt" and "Hastings".

The current work

Bayernkini06 Jun 2021 2:13 a.m. PST

Final the originally single siege board is ready. For the second additional board i need still around 40% more buildings.
So now with less comments, because a few pics saying more than 1000 words

From french side

Antioch26 Jul 2022 8:10 p.m. PST

Looks like a great setup. Who's 3d files are you using for the miniatures & the town walls? Thx.

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