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"I for one am getting tired of seeing" Topic

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John the OFM09 Aug 2020 8:46 a.m. PST

Ok. This is the old "Needs more boobies" board, hainna?
Since it started, it seems to have been flooded with adequately painted figures depicting really stupid figures.
Some of my pet peeves.

Leg armor that will not allow the knee to bend.

Breast armor that dig into the tissue, and is certain to do the "female warrior" grievous damage if she makes a sudden move.

Armor that protects no vital areas and leaves the "female warrior" open to killing blows.

Armored thongs.

Oversized swords. Swords with too many points that will catch on obstructions. Can openers.
Armor that will catch a sword but not deflect it.

Stripper boots.

That's enough for now.

mjkerner09 Aug 2020 9:00 a.m. PST

A: I agree wholeheartedly!
B: When did the OFM re-emerge on here? Is this the inaugural post, or have I just been blind?

Skeets Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 9:33 a.m. PST

Don't look!

walkabout09 Aug 2020 9:42 a.m. PST

Welcome Back.

oldjarhead09 Aug 2020 9:48 a.m. PST

@John the OFM, long time no read, welcome back

RittervonBek09 Aug 2020 10:03 a.m. PST

Welcome back indeed

Big Red Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 10:03 a.m. PST

Could you be describing their parade dress uniform instead of their field uniform?

Welcome back.

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 10:49 a.m. PST

Welcome back. You have been missed.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 11:04 a.m. PST

I agree with John the OFM.

Ed Mohrmann Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 11:24 a.m. PST

Heeeeeeey OFM !! GLADASEEYA !!

Yeah, the 'semi-naked female barbarian warrior' types
are best suited for the blister pack – to remain

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 11:24 a.m. PST

I totally agree! I never understood why Fantasy women had to be dressed in impractical and revealing costumes. I am glad for firms like Bad Squiddo
…who give a more realistic selection of Women Warriors!

Florida Tory09 Aug 2020 11:58 a.m. PST

John posted earlier today

TMP link

And, oh yes, his comment above is spot on.


Redcurrant09 Aug 2020 12:00 p.m. PST

Welcome back – and I whole-heartedly agree with him on this.

dick garrison09 Aug 2020 12:26 p.m. PST

I agree, but have to add one more critique! The ones that really annoy me are the ones stood in stupid poses, legs ten feet apart twisting around with the feet pointed inwards! This is just as common amongst the Sci/Fi female community too!!

Cheers Roger.

Tom Molon Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 12:28 p.m. PST

Welcome back, OFM!

blacksmith09 Aug 2020 12:53 p.m. PST

It's fantasy. It doesn't have to be realistic at all. If you don't like it, don't hit those threads.

Actually, I'm tired of the people who is constantly complaining about this. Especially about the Death Kingdom figures, saying their proportions are not realistic. They're are a form of art, they don't aim at realism.
Where is it said that fantasy miniatures must be realistic. Why do you call them stupid? Isn't it a Space Marine in his childish and grotesque armour, weaponry and skulls less equally stupid then?

mad monkey 109 Aug 2020 1:13 p.m. PST

Welcome back John the OFM. Your wit and wisdom have been sorely missed.

PK Guy Brent09 Aug 2020 1:23 p.m. PST

blacksmith –

"Isn't it a Space Marine in his childish and grotesque armour, weaponry and skulls less equally stupid then?"

No, I'd say they're equally stupid.

USAFpilot09 Aug 2020 1:25 p.m. PST

IMHO the best fantasy and science fiction have a semblance of realism. Really big swords that would be physically impossible to even lift; well, it's just not satisfying.

Bismarck09 Aug 2020 2:32 p.m. PST

Welcome back John the OFM!

John the OFM09 Aug 2020 2:39 p.m. PST

I said this many years ago. Calling something "fantasy" does not excuse stupidity.

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 2:53 p.m. PST

Welcome back John the OFM
Maybe some more will come back?

mquarmby09 Aug 2020 3:08 p.m. PST

Hi John, what you state is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I don't mind if you don't like this board – but it remains an opinion. You are also entitled to not look at this board, and I am entitled to like this board. This is 'TMP' and not 'T-CurrentlyPoliticallyCorrectAccordingToHistoricalGamers-MP' – these are miniatures. I for one don't want to see TMP become a moralistic sermon site – I can already find those (and far more scanty-clad men and women) on the internet with no effort – I just choice not to. I think Bill has set the right tone for this board with the restrictions

John the OFM09 Aug 2020 3:31 p.m. PST

You are mistaking what I said above for a moral stand. It isn't.
I'm merely saying that 90% of the miniatures posted here are wearing ridiculous armor that is much more likely to do the young (?) lady harm than protect her.
Leg armor that prevents bending the leg? That's not immoral. That's stupid.
Stripper boots that can only impede movement? Not immoral. Just stupid.
And so on.

Political correctness has nothing to do with it. It's dumb.
Oh wait. It's fantasy. That excuses everything. Not.

Puster Sponsoring Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 4:19 p.m. PST

Its "not safe for work", which probably means that it does not show properly clad shield maidens like these:

Photo blocked by adult filter:

No need to put these unter the NSFW tag.

On the other hand, I agree. If they care to wear armour at all, it should be at least not dangerous to the bearer.

Thresher0109 Aug 2020 4:42 p.m. PST

"Get off my lawn", eh John?

Welcome back.

I'm fine with the various, silly, fantasy minis, since they are just that, even if they are wearing high heels, and more or less body armor.

I do tend to draw the line at those with: ridiculously huge weaponry though, e.g. you know, the kind that are so large they couldn't possibly pick them up; heads that are half the size they should be for their bodies; and, or course, those that are just overly gross.

USAFpilot09 Aug 2020 4:50 p.m. PST

Puster, those are some really nice figures.

rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 5:03 p.m. PST

I like the figures Puster posted. Nice and practical. I also dislike giant weapons and mail teddies that many female figures are sculpted with, and I really dislike this modern tendency to "over sculpt" the figures. What I mean by over sculpt is that the sculptor adds so many fine details and textures that an average painter, such as myself, can't get away with a simple paint job without the figure looking awful. I guess I'm just an old man that misses the good ol' days of Ral Partha and Grenadier when one didn't need a Master's Degree in figure painting to turn out an army.

Extrabio1947 Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 5:12 p.m. PST

Again, welcome back, John. You have been missed.

evilgong09 Aug 2020 5:57 p.m. PST

John the OFM could have added shields that will catch weapons rather than deflect them.


John the OFM09 Aug 2020 6:57 p.m. PST

True. But I thought that armor doing the same thing covered that. grin

Zephyr109 Aug 2020 9:03 p.m. PST

"Armored thongs."

aka "chastity belts"


Tgerritsen Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2020 9:03 p.m. PST

Ha, I was just saying you were overdue for a return. Welcome back.

blacksmith10 Aug 2020 2:05 a.m. PST

It's not stupid, it's different from your point of view.
You can say you don't like it but not that it is stupid, because what you're doing then is calling stupid to the people who like that type of fantasy miniatures.

It could be stupid to sword fight with oversized swords and just protected by a harness like in the books of John Carter of Mars by ERB but I'm happy with that.

I don't like people who thinks they posses the truth and know what it's best for the rest.

Also +1 to mquarmby

Uparmored10 Aug 2020 2:20 a.m. PST

girls are soft

Porthos10 Aug 2020 2:36 a.m. PST

The only real stupid thing is complaining about things you do not want to see after looking at them. And even more stupid is asking to have them removed, although you do not seem to have done that yet.

Suddenly I remember, with fond memories, TMP without the OFM.

I, for one, have never missed you.

Darrell B D Day10 Aug 2020 3:02 a.m. PST

The answer to all those above who don't like something on an Internet forum is not to read topics that are going to upset you. So don't look at a board which specifically features figures that make you grumpy. I've never clicked on the NSFW board because I have similar opinions about those figures to the OP.

Also, don't click on a topic started by someone you have "never missed". You know deep down inside, it's going to irritate you. Stifle or Ignore is your friend. I've only got one person categorised thus (come on, you KNOW who it is) and it makes the TMP experience a calm, dreamy delight.

Don't go poking into places that you know will lacerate your peace of mind.


mquarmby10 Aug 2020 4:22 a.m. PST

@Darrell, I suspect you are right. But I don't go to WW2 section and say 'it is for people making broom broom noises with little tanks', or to the historic section and say 'the heads are too big' or to the civil war section and say .. no, I wont say it…
I don't do that because it would be upsetting to others as a minimum, insulting as more likely.
I respect the rights of people to enjoy a hobby – I suspect I am just sick of people insisting on an impossible reality overlay on miniatures. Having said that, I respect John's opinion – I just don't agree that all miniatures had to comply with a single reality.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP10 Aug 2020 6:43 a.m. PST

I hate being stuck in the moderate middle, but surely it's possible to have armor hinged in the right places and which protects vital organs while acknowledging that miniatures need to exaggerate certain aspects to have them visible in scale from across a table?

I wonder how many of the sculptors of the (male) "barbarian warriors" in fur jockstraps ever read Conan in "Beyond the Black River" pointing out that there would be fewer dead Aquilonians on the frontier if they started wearing properly oiled chainmail?

It's the miniature fantasy females with claws scales and spiky bits which intrigue me. Someone must find that attractive--presumably erotic--but who?

No, don't write and tell me. Please.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP10 Aug 2020 6:58 a.m. PST

All the things for which people suspend disbelief are "stupid" without suspending disbelief. You suspend disbelief because you hold an opinion that there is greater value gained by doing so than is lost by not.

I (and I don't know about others) have always considered big weapons (which are in equal proportion for men and women) convey a sense of destructive capability disproportionate with size and assumptions (stereotypes) about capability. There's value in conveying that succinctly without dragging on hours of exposition to reach the same effect.

You know what's stupid? Every first responder forensic character you have ever seen in any fictional media. They all have more skills at a greater level of expertise than anyone could possibly have. Their labs are outfitted with more, more modern, more reliable, and more dollars worth of equipment than any real lab run by one person, except when the plot calls for a delay in which case a routine capability for entry level people is either mysteriously missing or broken.

Except they're not stupid, because I choose to ignore the inaccuracies, especially because the alternative is huge lists of characters, huge delays, lots of bureaucracy, and details of reality that don't contribute to the action of the story.

So, how come nobody ever wargames two weeks of transit on a ship to get to a theater in WWII? How about four days of marching down the road without engagements during the Napoleonic era?

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP10 Aug 2020 8:55 a.m. PST

i agree with the OFM but still look at the "purty pichers."

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP10 Aug 2020 2:04 p.m. PST

Is it possible that so many of us have forgotten--if ever they recognized it--that many/most of the OFM's posted opinions are not stated for people to agree, or even to disagree, but just to start us all TALKING back and forth about whateverthehell he's stated?

I like the good natured and often well thought out reactions, both "fer an' agin'" that result, and this thread is no exception.

Not being a fantasy/sci-fi gamer, I clearly don't have a dog in the fight--but it's fun to see everyone's Meerkat reactions!

Today has been a breath of cool, fresh air!

You Go, You OFM!


robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP10 Aug 2020 3:06 p.m. PST

"How about four days of marching down the road without engagements during the Napoleonic era?"

I think they call that "Empire" etotheipi. Or possibly "Napoleon's Battles."

Personally, I can suspend a lot of disbelief, but I do expect the author, producer or, in this case, sculptor, to meet me half-way and not ask for more suspension than moving the plot at a decent pace or creating an attractive figure requires. Some of them work with me: some don't.

sneakgun10 Aug 2020 9:10 p.m. PST

Not a fan of giant boobs and thighs and high heels for fighting….

mquarmby10 Aug 2020 11:09 p.m. PST

I hate high heels on barbarian females, but then I think 'that would be one hell of a kick'

Porthos11 Aug 2020 1:28 a.m. PST

Thank you, Darrell, I had forgotten the stifle option – done now ! Although I do not regret my post, because I wanted to remember others of the fact that OP was removed by the Editor because of his nasty remarks.

John the OFM11 Aug 2020 7:09 a.m. PST

Gee. All I said was that most "female fighter" figures look like they are a danger to themselves. And that earned me a stifle! Tough crowd.
It's like writing a less than 100% positive review of a Beyoncé or Taylor Swift … "album".

USAFpilot11 Aug 2020 7:59 a.m. PST

Compared to other message boards I visit; this is definitely not a tough crowd. Way too much censorship here. What the heck is a "stifle" anyways, and why would I even care? LOL

Lucius11 Aug 2020 8:03 a.m. PST

OFM – glad to see you back.

I have a genuine miniatures question about a post you made over a decade ago. Seriously. Drop me a line if you can.

Darrell B D Day11 Aug 2020 9:25 a.m. PST

11 Aug 2020 7:09 a.m. PST
Gee. All I said was that most "female fighter" figures look like they are a danger to themselves. And that earned me a stifle! Tough crowd.

My firm suspicion is that the Stifle stems not from your topic but he/she just doesn't like your online persona. Furthermore, I have no doubt that you will come through this unscathed.

Everyone concerned will be fine.


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