hi EEE ya  | 09 Aug 2020 12:25 a.m. PST |
Hello everyone , A manufacture does it offer 28mm figures of gladiators (Thracians and retiaries) represented exactly as in the gladiators fight scene from Stanley Kubrick's film released in 1960.Thank you. |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 09 Aug 2020 11:32 a.m. PST |
I don't know about the movie, but Bronze Age Miniatures makes 28mm (or maybe 32mm) gladiators. |
nnascati  | 09 Aug 2020 12:34 p.m. PST |
Crusader, Wargames Foundry and Brigade all make excellent Gladiators. |
hi EEE ya  | 12 Aug 2020 9:07 a.m. PST |
They must be like in the 1960 film, i.e. same outfit for everyone, only the weaponry changes … Obviously the little Gladiatorian armature that existed at the time of Spartacus (Samnites – Gauls and Thracians) were not equipped as in the film … At the time of Spartacus, there were no retiaries and the black gladiators only appeared for the inauguration of the Colosseum. This film is ultra famous and we only find the Kirk Douglas figure in chief of the slave army at Old Glory and 1st Corps ??? But no figurines for the famous gladiator fight scene ??? |
Asteroid X | 19 Aug 2020 4:44 p.m. PST |
Not in that scale. 28mm is a relatively new scale. The movie is old. You'd have much better luck with trying to match newer movies. |
hi EEE ya  | 19 Aug 2020 10:20 p.m. PST |
Yes but this is the one I like and as we find two Kirk Douglas in Spartacus army chief on horseback as in the 1960 film, they could have created figurines representing the characters of the famous gladiatorial fight scene of the film … |
BelgianRay | 06 Feb 2021 10:44 a.m. PST |
The best you could achieve to do is cut of the head of "Kirk Douglas" figure of 1st Corps and put it on one of the bodies of a Thracian figure of Crusader or Foundry figures. An exact copy is impossible since the outfit in the movie is a quite incorrect typical Hollywood style. |
BelgianRay | 08 Feb 2021 12:22 p.m. PST |
FOUNDRY indicateS on their GLAD 12 PRIME CONTENDERS, that the first and last figures are HOPLOMACHUS. This is completely wrong. They are MURMILLO. |
Come In Nighthawk | 15 Feb 2021 6:27 p.m. PST |
So… my main interest is the Roman Army, not "food for wolves…" errr, LIONS! Is the Osprey volume on the gladiators a reliable source (it is inexpensive; a BIG advantage!)? I should like to "sort out the wheat from the chaff" on what sort of gladiator-types these figures REALLY are modelled upon! Stephen Wisdom, Gladiators: 100 BC–AD 200 [WARRIOR 39], illustrated by Angus McBride? I doubt I will very often be using the relative handful of Foundry and Crusader figures I do have (once painted!!) for "historical" games. More likely I will use them for PULP kinds of games for a change of pace on a Saturday, and maybe just as "cannon fodder" (errr, "legion fodder") in "pulp~ish" games putting down slave revolts. BUT, one never knows… In such instances, in ANY case, I would need a good 28mm figure that looked like a certain actor in 1960 portraying Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Batiatus… |
hi EEE ya  | 26 May 2024 7:43 a.m. PST |