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A New Range
This is the first New Line of figures being added to the Battle Valor 28mm Sci Fi Line. It consists of Warriors of the Dwarf Miners Guild and some of the many Alien Species they encounter during their explorations of the tunnels and caverns below the surfaces of the planets they settle. Some of these Aliens are friendly. Some not. Some start of friendly and rebel. Some are conquered and put to work. There are many species.
The Miniatures
All the miniatures have been Sculpted, and many have been Mastered.
Warriors of the Miners Guild
There are 54 unique figures in the Miners Guild range. They are extremely characterful, and armed with a wide variety of weaponry and equipment. All are ready to confront the horrors of the darkness.
Here are a few of the figures;
The Aliens
The Aliens are unique in that there are 11 different heads, and 8 different bodies. You get to pick the bodies you want, and a set of heads to go with them. This gives you a huge variety to choose from. You can create all kinds of unique monstrosities. All you have to do is unlock each one!
Here are a few of the figures.
If the project funds, all backers will receive a FREE pack of 5 Zygons pictured below.