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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Atheling23 Jul 2020 2:48 p.m. PST

I've been waiting all week for the weather to take a turn for the better so I could get down and dirty with my camera taking a few test shots for a big project that I have in mind but it's been "hoying it down" and miserable all week as we say in the NE.

so, I resorted to two daylight lamps, a printed off back ground image of a mountainous region in Afghanistan and a small vignette. The idea is to get the pictures taken and sent off for publication but I will definitely wait until the light improves as daylight is just so much better for getting a great image.

Apologies for Burnaby making another appearance in this sub fora; that particular vignette is the one I have been asked to photograph so I would hardly go with something else.

I would appreciate any advice regarding the images as I know there is a lot of room for improvement.

Oh, one last thing, it was noticeable that the vignette was in need of another coat of matt varnish and will be getting one tomorrow :)

If you're interested in seeing more please do pop over to my blog here:

Just Add Water Blog:

SgtGuinness24 Jul 2020 8:33 a.m. PST

Great brushwork and basing. The background works well with the subject.

Mad Guru25 Jul 2020 1:44 a.m. PST

Echoing my good friend Sgt. Guinness on your incredible paint-job, Darrell! You are a talented guy and I've always admired your figure-painting but that Fred Burnaby strikes me as on another level. Well done.

Atheling25 Jul 2020 1:47 a.m. PST

Thanks for the goodly words guys- appreciated.

Echoing my good friend Sgt. Guinness on your incredible paint-job, Darrell! You are a talented guy and I've always admired your figure-painting but that Fred Burnaby strikes me as on another level.

I think I'm blushing. You have no mean level of talent either MG!

Pauls Bods25 Jul 2020 6:06 a.m. PST

Excellent skin tones on all three thumbs up
Nice to see someone keeping guard while the locals take a nap :-)

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