"Thunderbolt Forward - Normandy scenario eye candy" Topic
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FlyXwire | 15 Jul 2020 8:07 a.m. PST |
Guys, Here's some pictures from my first game presentation in half a year (we engaged few using face-covering protection and plenty of hand sanitizer) at our local hobby shop, to play-test a WW2 infantry action in 1/144th scale – the scenario battling over Normandy bocage country south of Carentan, in early July 1944. The overall board and force dispositions -
The American attack begins to push forward -
Perspective from the 17th SS sector, and across their lines towards the Amis' attack, headed towards their comrades in arms, and the 6th Fallschrimjager postions beyond -
The American effort would expand outward, and reinforced by the remaining supporting tanks, effectively deal with the Germans on the attack's left flank -
Effectively splitting the Germans defense in the center (and at the joint between their lines), the Americans are able to press forward towards a road and stream crossing objective -
The game was a play-test of my Blitz Action Bn.-level rules mod to Bolt Action, and revealed a few useful tweaks to make the system work better. |
Yellow Admiral | 15 Jul 2020 9:40 p.m. PST |
I came here expecting jugs and I found Ronsons. Hmph! Nice looking game. - Ix |
FlyXwire | 16 Jul 2020 4:04 a.m. PST |
Yellow Admiral, at least you check the thread out. ;) "Thunderbolt" was the new nickname chosen for the US 83rd Infantry Division early in '45……I'm guessin' "Ohio Forward" wouldn't have been that inspiring. The scenario's basis was drawn from the Division's first major action of WW2, an attack by 2nd Battalion, 329th Infantry south of La Granvallerie, in Normandy. |
Yellow Admiral | 16 Jul 2020 10:54 p.m. PST |
LOL! "Ohio Forward" sounds less exciting than cold spam… I'm not sure what you mean by "battalion level". Are those stands/tanks representing squads, platoons, companies, or… something else? - Ix |
FlyXwire | 17 Jul 2020 5:27 a.m. PST |
Yes, those infantry stands are squads, or platoon HQ squads, which take a number of damage hits before they're eliminated. That's what we were tracking with the red cubes in the game (black cubes marked activated elements). All told, there were two US infantry companies in the game, but just with individual tanks in support. The three-tank heavy section came in to reinforce their platoon's two Shermans that were already attached to support a infantry company each. The modded rules can handle Battalion-size tank actions, but infantry scenarios of that size will probably be too tedious to pull off (during an average 4 hr. session). Unit order designation is by platoon [die], with additional command dice mixed in to order individual squads, teams, or tanks with during the course of the turn (everything progresses IGOUGO now). It's pretty much a full conversion mod of the rules to do higher level engagements (we actually have a ground scale implied now too; 1" = 33 meters, with ranges adjusted accordingly) Here's some quick pics of a 20mm scenario I readying for Blitz (stands are still squads, hvy. weapons team elements, outposting LMGs, etc., just like the 12mm game above) -
American opposition will be a rifle company with it's 3 rifle platoons, hvy. weapons platoon, and Sherman support (this scenario 1/2 of what was run in the 1/144th scale game above – but it'll all scale fine).
deadhead | 18 Jul 2020 1:55 a.m. PST |
Ronsons? Not so sure. I am still learning about Sherman subtypes but these all seem to be the later better armoured M4A3s, to judge by the hull fronts. Great models throughout and, overall, this battlefield has a "scale" look to it. |