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"The Rebellions of 1837 in Lower Canada." Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP02 Jul 2020 10:16 p.m. PST

Of possible interest?

PDF link


jurgenation Supporting Member of TMP03 Jul 2020 4:00 a.m. PST

thanx for sharing..little known conflict…kind of one sided..but fun to game.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP03 Jul 2020 6:48 a.m. PST

Very one sided, but as noted fun on the table top!

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Jul 2020 12:08 p.m. PST

Happy you enjoyed it my friends!. (smile)


Henry Martini03 Jul 2020 7:09 p.m. PST

If you have a look at the final post, dated 3/5/12 (or 5/3/12 by the US system), in an old topic entitled 'Early Bushrangers' you'll find a little known post-rebellion element of the story.

For some reason searching under 'Early Bushrangers' doesn't work, but if you use 'bushranger' it will be one of the threads that appears.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP06 Jul 2020 12:46 p.m. PST

Rebellions, 1837-38

"Papineau's continued attempts to reconcile the interests of Canadiens with those of the empire were doomed to fail. Partly as a mark of the Parti Canadien's frustration with the Château Clique, the organization changed its name to the Parti Patriote. This was something of a red rag to a bull. To be a "patriot" is to be loyal to the land of one's birth first and foremost; the American revolutionaries had branded themselves "patriots" knowingly and so too did Papineau's group. Dropping "Canadien" was also a sign of growing inclusiveness. The Parti became home to Irish and American immigrants, the Canadien peasantry and seigneurs, the liberal professionals, and those smaller anglophone merchants whose interests were not best served by the Clique. It was in this context, too, that Papineau introduced the Emancipation Act of 1834 that extended new rights to the Jewish population in the colony. This broadening of the movement's reach was also felt at an ideological level.

Radical reformers within the Parti Patriote increasingly called for a more revolutionary approach. After all, Papineau and company had been fighting the same battle against the Clique for 20 or more years, with little to show for it. Despite having a majority in the assembly for years (and a landslide victory in 1834), they were unable to press their case. Papineau's popularity was at an all-time high, but his defence of the French civil law, the seigneurial system, and the importance of the Church in the preservation of Canadien culture put him increasingly at odds with those who wished to see an overhaul of the entire social order. For those rivals within the Parti, the seigneurial system was an offensive holdover from a feudal system with which even much of Europe had dispensed, the clergy's loyalties were to themselves and to Rome, and the Coutume de Paris was what undergirded the lot…"
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP07 Jul 2020 9:19 p.m. PST



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