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"15mm Scandinavian Army Figures" Topic

6 Posts

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Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2020 12:13 p.m. PST

Does anyone sell 15mm Scandinavian figures (Finland, Sweden & Norway) that could be used for the 1980s period? US and Soviets are fairly easy to find, but other members of NATO and the Warsaw Pact are a challenge.

Bought the scenario booklet "Red Star, White Lights" by By Jason Weiser (Ram Company Games) and am impressed by the quality of the material (its 12 scenarios).

Buckeye AKA Darryl25 Jun 2020 12:48 p.m. PST

Hmmm, I would be interested a swell, along with that scenario book. At work so I am blocked from the RAM Facebook page.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2020 1:30 p.m. PST

Neither Finland nor Sweden have ever been members of NATO or the Warsaw Pact, but it would be cool to find miniatures for them.

GHQ did make Swedish S-tanks in micro scale (1:285, I think).

Personal logo Dan Cyr Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2020 7:29 p.m. PST

The scenarios are all small scale, 1:1 figures and men, so micro armor is out unless you have really good eyes (smile). The booklet can be found on Wargame Vault as a PDF (86) pages, is set for 1985 and it appears that he is working on another one for fighting inside Berlin between NATO and Warsaw Pact in 1985.

I'm aware that Finland and Sweden are not part of NATO, I was trying to ask about them and mentioning that there are other smaller countries that were in both alliances that do not have a line of miniatures. At 15mm, it would difficult to paint and pretend that one was using the correct models.

wardog28 Jun 2020 12:28 p.m. PST

a guy by the name armiesarmy was supposed to produce them
dont know what happened to him, used to post here with updates think he sold on to another company

beingshort107 Aug 2020 1:54 p.m. PST


Armies Army range got sold to Plastic Soldier Company whom then sold the range off to Scotia Grendel. So Far Scotia hasn't posted anything that I know of about the range yet. The first Owner of Armies Army is getting back into it cold war miniatures. His new site is called, Army Bits.

@Dan Cyr

Could you try looking at Peter Pigs AK47 range. Might be able to find something useful in the Regulars or Professionals sections. They use G3 and the cold war swedes used their own production of the G3. Even tho you said micro armor might be too small. Heroics and Ros also have cold war swedes in 6mm.

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