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"Remote Wargaming Round-Table" Topic

5 Posts

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AGregory25 Jun 2020 5:55 a.m. PST


This past Saturday, there was an interesting event: a bunch of game masters who are actively running or looking to run miniatures games remotely over web cameras had a round table.

It was organized by the Virtual Tabletop Gaming group on FB:


The people who organized the Let's Roll virtual convention were there, and HMGS also had someone in attendance – it looks like we might see a virtual miniatures convention organized by HMGS, to fill in some of the gaps in their annual schedule.

There will be some less ambitious activities going on to help people learn how to set up and run miniatures games remotely over cameras – the details are on the FB page.

Anyway – it was a very interesting discussion, and I personally would be psyched if HMGS can organize something. After missing two of my regular cons (not to mention Huzzah!, the big regional one around here), I am Jonesing!


A. Gregory

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2020 8:04 a.m. PST

I am awaiting apologies from all the people who mocked me for suggesting virtual conventions two months ago.

Probably be a long wait.

Thresher0125 Jun 2020 8:32 a.m. PST

I suspect you are right about that Robert.

Hex-mat games seem like a natural for this, especially if you can find numbered ones for easier tracking.

People could then set up identical games at home and run them semi-independently, with moves made and communicated via computer, e-mail, text, or other methods. Firing too, could then be done similarly too.

Air and naval games could work this way, as could tank combat and other stuff, I imagine.

AGregory25 Jun 2020 8:53 a.m. PST


I have participated in a few Black Sea games which worked well: little terrain, and big ship models (1:700).

Not grid-based, but still easy to see remotely.

We have also been thinking about playing "What a Tanker" for similar reasons – a small number of large miniatures, without requiring a lot of terrain.

I think your suspicions are correct!


A. Gregory

Thresher0126 Jun 2020 8:38 a.m. PST

Yep, WaT would be an excellent choice.

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