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"German Farms and Villages 1945" Topic

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conn183521 Jun 2020 1:37 p.m. PST

Hello All,

I'm in need a German farm and village houses in 28mm. Specifically, styles from Lower Saxony for a campaign focused on 4th Canadian Armoured Division's drive from Meppen to Oldenburg.

At this point nothing is off the table but my preference is 3D printed (or STL flies) or perhaps MDF. So far, the 'usual sources' don't seem to have the style of house I'm looking for and I'd rather not sub in Normandy, Dutch etc.

Any suggestions and insights are most welcome!

Major Mike21 Jun 2020 5:45 p.m. PST

These are all paper, and they are free and can be scaled to any size you need. link

monk2002uk22 Jun 2020 6:11 a.m. PST

Have you been in touch with Jens Najewitz? He produces STL files in bundles but I am sure he would consider an email query:

1. To check what he has that would fit with Lower Saxony styles (Jens lives in Germany)

2. To review what would be possible in unbundling some of the relevant buildings, if such exist.

The website is here:

You can send an email via the website.


Brownand22 Jun 2020 6:28 a.m. PST

prints the najewitz buildings

conn183522 Jun 2020 12:28 p.m. PST

Thank you all for the information so far!

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