x42brown | 06 Jun 2020 1:46 a.m. PST |
I need a new project something completely new to me. I have not started anything new in some time (since completing English State police). Preferably something available as a starter set, set army or similar but not games workshop. I have most of the obvious stuff already so it must be something new or very unusual. I am starting to go spare, I'm on the corona virus very vulnerable list and have emptied my lead mountain. I really need something to work on. x42 |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 06 Jun 2020 2:35 a.m. PST |
Maybe Maelstrom's Edge has a complete starter set? link |
Prince Rupert of the Rhine | 06 Jun 2020 2:39 a.m. PST |
or Dropzone Commander? link |
Insomniac | 06 Jun 2020 3:18 a.m. PST |
parrskool | 06 Jun 2020 5:34 a.m. PST |
Dan Dare ? Retro sci-fi models available from Irregular Miniatures? |
TNE2300 | 06 Jun 2020 5:44 a.m. PST |
…or very unusual. khurasan female cannibals? or penguin civil wars? |
jwebster | 06 Jun 2020 7:09 a.m. PST |
"Emptied the lead mountain" I did not realize that there was such a concept … And now for something different link If you haven't painted Samurai before, it's enough to drive you crazy, with or without coronavirus. Painting details … The Perry figures are very nice, the Steel Fist are very very nice. There are lots of rules out there, I like Ronin, and the figure packs are nice The Dragon Rampant rules are fun and great for pickup games. Building an army is flexible and simple – the author intended it to be an excuse to bring out old figures that haven't seen the light of day for a while. You could take some stuff that you have already and add a centerpiece figure or two to make an impressive (or crazy) army A completely new painting technique A showpiece piece of terrain John |
nnascati | 06 Jun 2020 7:53 a.m. PST |
Okay, since folks are posting other than Sci Fi ideas, I have one for you. Neolithic gaming. Pick up copies of Tribal and Primeval, several packs of Lucid Eye cavemen and two decks of cards. The game is loads of fun, even solo. No die every or rulers needed, just cards, figures and terrain. |
x42brown | 06 Jun 2020 8:21 a.m. PST |
Thank you all for suggestions to date Prince Rupert of the Rhine Maelstrom's Edge looks much like a lot of SF of that ilk I've downloaded the rules for an intense scrut but I don't think so. Dropzone Commander looks better and Carnevale by the same manufacturer may well be the one. Thank you for that link. Insomniac Looks too much like other stuff. Probably not but will give it a good look at. parrskool I've Dan Dare the Mekon and Treen from when they were the latest in SF TNE2300 I'd forgotten khurasan I'll have to give their stuff a good looking over again. jwebster I had thought of Medieval Mayhem but like to have my minis as playing pieces. They might do for some minor stand alone for other forces. Samurai I have quite a few both fantasy and historic. Including a Satsuma force facing Perry. Dragon Rampant I have Thank you all Please keep suggestions coming. x42 |
Jakar Nilson | 06 Jun 2020 9:15 a.m. PST |
Heavy Gear Blitz? With the new plastics, you've got four different starter sets. |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 07 Jun 2020 4:29 a.m. PST |
Browse Irregular Miniatures website for inspiration, even if you're not keen on their miniatures they seem to do figures for pretty much any actual or conceivable conflict! Brigade Models does aeronef starters and fleet packs if that kind of things floats your VSF dirigible, plus starters and army packs for their other ranges. They also do Iron Stars – a rather small range of 'pre-dreadnoughts in space' plus rules. |
Sgt Slag | 07 Jun 2020 9:19 a.m. PST |
How about 1/72 fantasy plastics? They are inexpensive, more detailed than you might imagine, and very nicely designed. I recommend both Caesar fantasy figures, and Red Box's Light and Dark Alliance figures. They are suitable for generic fantasy gaming, as well as LotR gaming! Rules are up to you. My personal choice is TSR's 2e BattleSystem rules, available from DriveThruRPG.com. Hard copies are usually available on e-Bay, and Amazon. They're a bucket-o-dice game, which has a joy all its own. When you have a line of 50 Orcs, facing a line of 50 Humans, each side will roll 50 dice, one for each figure attacking… A Dice Tower, with tray, is highly recommended to contain your dice. >;-) Cheers! |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 07 Jun 2020 9:44 a.m. PST |
Thinking about plastic what diesel punk air pirates (like Crimson Skies, Sky Captain etc) – PSC does some plastic 1:300 aircraft for their Battle of Britain game, which are cheap enough to be low risk conversion fodder (if they have any in stock). |
Virtualscratchbuilder | 08 Jun 2020 3:26 p.m. PST |
Der Krieg Geist | 26 Jun 2020 2:06 a.m. PST |
X42Brown, Have you considered taking a new setting and marring it to a new(to you) set of rules? Examples I have done: Meta-Barons as setting and painting inspiration and WarEngine (free rules,update of ShockForce II) or Fading Suns as setting and StarGrunt or Void 1.5 as rules. There are many possibilities, even the original Rogue Trader 40K is much more of a small size skirmish game and although it offered a setting ,was designed to be generic SF also.. I Have also considered playing Infinity while using miniatures from many other manufacturers. |
Der Krieg Geist | 26 Jun 2020 2:17 a.m. PST |
As for games with Starter sets, as you posted as one of your preferences….How about Beyond the Gates of Antares for multi-squad battles or Maelstroms Edge for smaller conflicts? I Can't really endorse either as I have not played them but I really like the look of the miniatures. :) |