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"Rangers of Shadow Deep: Across the Wastes" Topic

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Swordlord's Entry for Intimidation Doubled

TheMasterworkGuild presents his Intimidation Doubled entry.

1,386 hits since 20 May 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2020 8:51 p.m. PST

"A desperate mission sends the rangers deep into the trackless desert north of Alladore. Somewhere in that wasteland is a hidden entrance to the Shadow Deep, an entrance that could prove the only chance for a daring rescue…

This book is the first of three that together make up a single mission called ‘The Rescue'. It includes 4 new scenarios designed for rangers of level 10 and above, as well as a pair of unique companions, and a host of fearsome new monsters. The book also includes a section on Advanced Herbalism that greatly increases the number of herbs that are available to rangers and gives new rules for using them and searching for them during missions."


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