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mghFond21 May 2020 6:50 a.m. PST

Not sure where to post this but hey, I'm talking 1920s so…

I just started ordering and painting 28mm Gangsters from Copplestone and Brigade Games, etc. Now I would like to purchase at least a few cars appropriate to the Roaring 20s and also in proper scale for 28mm figures.

There is such a bewildering bunch of scales out there for car models – not sure what sizes I should be looking for. I don't want to buy something on EBAY for example only to find out it doesn't fit with the figs. I dont expect them to fit in the cars obviously but at least look reasonably right standing next to them.

I am not looking for cars made out of resin though, I have never had good experiences with buying resin models and I've sworn off them.

I know there are gangster gamers out there who know more about this subject than me so I'd appreciate any advice you can offer, thanks in advance.

Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2020 7:32 a.m. PST


Search on eBay for "Matchbox Models of Yesteryear" and "Lledo Days Gone By" to find appropriately sized cars and trucks. I've found a number of good vehicles over the years.


wakenney21 May 2020 8:32 a.m. PST

You can find cars in the ~1/56 ratio that 28mm is supposed to be. But your figures will look really tall by comparison. From what I have seen, the bases on the figures make them giants around cars of the same scale.

I tend to go anywhere between 1/56 and 1/42 scale for cars for 28mm figures.

Where to buy them, I would find some used O Scale railroad modeler.

SBminisguy21 May 2020 9:18 a.m. PST

Yep, what ColCampbell said, "Matchbox Models of Yesteryear" and "Lledo Days Gone By" both work fine with 28mm figures. Here's a 28mm Blue Moon gangster next to a Matchbox delivery truck:

Richard Brooks Sponsoring Member of TMP21 May 2020 10:47 a.m. PST

If you are in the US try loads of diecast in various scales for various prices. I have bought loads of vehicles from them and they are reliable.

Cerdic21 May 2020 11:00 a.m. PST

One of the biggest scales in the model car world is 1/43. It is probably the best match for 28mm figures. There are thousands of vehicles to choose from in this scale.

The other popular scales are either way bigger or way smaller! Unless you can find some weird, niche supply that are a better match for 28mm figures…

mghFond21 May 2020 1:04 p.m. PST

Thanks, guys, for all the great advice. Just this aft a buddy of mine came by with a box of 1920s era vehicles, cars and trucks. I compared them to the figs I've got so far and they will match up fine as far as I'm concerned.

But I might try the company you showed, Richard Brooks.

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2020 5:43 p.m. PST

Gotta disagree, Cerdic.

1/43rd is HUGELY too big for 28mm figures.

At 1/43rd scale, a 5'8" tall man would be a miniature 1.57" tall.

28mm is only 1.1".

So a 1/43rd auto matches with a figure almost half an inch taller than 28mm.

ColCampbell's advice about the diecasts is spot on.

Cerdic22 May 2020 10:21 a.m. PST

The problem posed by cars for wargamers is that none of the regular car-collector scales are anywhere near what we want for 28mm figures.

The OP asked what 'car scale' he should be looking for. 1/43 is the closest of these. Some people are fine using these vehicles on the basis that beggars can't be choosers!

While the Matchbox and Lledo models usually work pretty well with 28mm, they were made to 'box-scale'. I.e. the boxes were a standard size and the models made to fit! So there is a bit of guesswork involved with them…

Personal logo chicklewis Supporting Member of TMP23 May 2020 7:39 a.m. PST

Yes, what you write is true.

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