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6 Posts

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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sowabud03 May 2020 10:14 p.m. PST

With my son Jani we played a big battle in the fantasy world with figurines mainly from the Dark Alliance. The forces of Evil were numerous, the forces of Good were small but elite. Unfortunately, it turned out that the Elves, Amazons and a little armored human cavalry lost against the crushing numerical advantage of the Evil. We use mostly Dark Alliance 20mm figures.

much more photo on the blog: link

Comicbook Hero04 May 2020 2:37 a.m. PST

Looks like a great battle.
I really like the look of the Dark Alliance figures and keep toying with getting some to game some fantasy battles with my son. They are very cost effective and look like they work well for massed battles.

Yours are painted and based really nicely.
What rules do you guys use?


Personal logo StoneMtnMinis Supporting Member of TMP04 May 2020 11:03 a.m. PST

OK, now you have stepped in it. grin

You are required to post a link to your rules so we all can enjoy them. And, if anyone whines about them, just ignore them.

BTW, good looking figures. thumbs up

sowabud04 May 2020 11:28 a.m. PST

Thank for kind words. I use house rules, the problem is that they are mostly in my head. If I write them down, they'll be in Polish. I draw the best from various systems and add my own thoughts.

I'm glad that Dark Alliance is releasing new sets, really you can put so many armies to so many different fantasy worlds. As you can see, I also use some historical figurines, like MiniArt cataphracts.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP04 May 2020 11:39 a.m. PST

Wow! Impressive painting on the Dark Alliance miniatures!

I would highly recommend the similar, Caesar 1/72 scale, injection-molded, plastic figures. Great stuff, very economical/affordable.

For fantasy mass battles rules, I would recommend the 2e BattleSystem rules: adaptable, expandable; they cover every type of fantasy battle for normal circumstances (extra-planar rules are not covered, but the system can be modified to accommodate such needs, easily); it really has everything, including the Kitchen Sink! Well, figuratively… You could, however, make up rules for a Giant hurling a kitchen sink, as a missile attack. >;-)

PDF copies are available, as well as hard copies, from the usual sources (e-Bay, Amazon, and other used book sellers).

Been playing 2e BS games since around 1995, still having a blast with them. They're a bucket-o-dice game, but that is part of its charm: roll one Attack Die (AD) for each figure fighting. Being able to roll 40-50 d6's (AD's vary from d4 – d12, but d6's are the most common), for a line of Orcs attacking sniveling Elves, is a treat, unto itself! Cheers!

Given up for good05 May 2020 1:58 p.m. PST

Blame the elves – it's always their fault. Pointy eared so and so's…

Bar from that – neat set of figures. I've never considered 20mm but thinking back to when I started the original Minifigs miniatures could not have been much bigger.

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