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"Quatre Bras 5.30pm" Topic

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1,334 hits since 2 May 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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C M DODSON03 May 2020 6:57 a.m. PST

The Battle of Quatre Bras 16th June 1815 5.30 PM

Timeline 5.30PM

The 28th Regiment of foot commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Belson, and the 32nd Regiment of foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Hicks commanding have disintegrated under a galling storm of French musketry.

Seizing their chance the 11th Cuirassiers, Colonel Eleonore-Ambrose Courtier commanding ruthlessly ride them down capturing the regimental colours of the 28th.

Their compatriots in the 8th Regiment, commanded by Colonel Antoine-Laurent Garavaque charge the Brunswick Leib Battalion, Major Friedrich von Prostler commanding.

However they are subject to a crossfire from the Brunswickers, elements of the Gordon Highlanders, Lieutenant-Colonel John Cameron commanding, in Ferme La Bergerie and the 44th Regiment of foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Hamerton commanding, who are in square by the Bois de Bossau.

The French advance is contested by English artillery using cannister.

1st Hanoverian Brigade, commanded by Major-General Count Freiderich von Kielmansegge and 5th British Infantry Brigade, Major-General Sir Colin Halkett are deploying rapidly on the Allied left centre.

The Divisional artillery under Brevet Major William Lloyd is already in action at the crossroads.

Nassau and Dutch-Belgian troops, the remains of the 2nd Netherlands Infantry Division are bravely resisting the French in the Bois de Bossau.

2nd French Infantry Brigade, commanded by Marechal-de-camp Baron Jean-Louis Soye are urged forwards by Lieutenant-General Prince Jerome Bonaparte in the quest for victory and military glory!

Pour le Empereur…

Lascaris03 May 2020 7:03 a.m. PST

Wow….just, wow. That is amazing.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP03 May 2020 9:07 a.m. PST

The top two pictures…..around the colour party….amazing.

The chap open mouthed, clearly not at his best. The 11th C without their Cs (Dawson insists they did have them in his new book…along with carabiniers in white, second row lancers carrying lances etc….but where is the fun in that?)

Again your smoke effect is brilliant. Cannister fire at close range….superb

IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP03 May 2020 9:32 a.m. PST

Absolutely outstanding, and museum quality dioramas!

Thank you.

mysteron03 May 2020 9:43 a.m. PST

That is outstanding. I thought at first they were stills from a documentary .

Chimpy03 May 2020 1:36 p.m. PST

Excellent and informative dioramas. I take off my hat to you for painting so many Napoleonic figures.

d88mm194003 May 2020 5:16 p.m. PST

I feel like I was there! Many pleasant nightmares tonight.

newarch04 May 2020 12:32 a.m. PST

That's super, a real treat for the eyes. Well done!

Widowson05 May 2020 1:04 p.m. PST

Just shows the superiority of the 1/72 plastic figure. The Germans get it! LOL

Now what's this new book by Dawson?

winser5406 May 2020 6:48 a.m. PST

Thanks so much for sharing your exquisite work with us. I thoroughly enjoy each installment.

C M DODSON08 May 2020 12:05 a.m. PST

Thank you to everyone for their kind comments.

The action is in its critical phase and it will be interesting to see what happens when the die roll!

I must mention a special thank you to my good friend Thomas Mischak who supplied the Art Miniturian Brunswickers several years ago. The painting is wonderful, especially the running dogs on the back Pack's.

Several of the crashing cuirassiers were also painted by Thomas, a superb painter, and were gifted when visited his splendid Waterloo diorama a few years ago.

Best wishes,


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