The Battle of Quatre Bras 16th June 1815 5.30 PM
Timeline 5.30PM
The 28th Regiment of foot commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Belson, and the 32nd Regiment of foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Hicks commanding have disintegrated under a galling storm of French musketry.
Seizing their chance the 11th Cuirassiers, Colonel Eleonore-Ambrose Courtier commanding ruthlessly ride them down capturing the regimental colours of the 28th.
Their compatriots in the 8th Regiment, commanded by Colonel Antoine-Laurent Garavaque charge the Brunswick Leib Battalion, Major Friedrich von Prostler commanding.
However they are subject to a crossfire from the Brunswickers, elements of the Gordon Highlanders, Lieutenant-Colonel John Cameron commanding, in Ferme La Bergerie and the 44th Regiment of foot, Lieutenant-Colonel John Hamerton commanding, who are in square by the Bois de Bossau.
The French advance is contested by English artillery using cannister.
1st Hanoverian Brigade, commanded by Major-General Count Freiderich von Kielmansegge and 5th British Infantry Brigade, Major-General Sir Colin Halkett are deploying rapidly on the Allied left centre.
The Divisional artillery under Brevet Major William Lloyd is already in action at the crossroads.
Nassau and Dutch-Belgian troops, the remains of the 2nd Netherlands Infantry Division are bravely resisting the French in the Bois de Bossau.
2nd French Infantry Brigade, commanded by Marechal-de-camp Baron Jean-Louis Soye are urged forwards by Lieutenant-General Prince Jerome Bonaparte in the quest for victory and military glory!
Pour le Empereur…