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"Battle of Kandahar +140 - Game Prep post #3" Topic

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Mad Guru30 Apr 2020 4:54 p.m. PST

As the lockdown continues, work at my place continues on preparing for the 140th Anniversary of the Battle of Kandahar AKA: Battle of Baba Wali game late this coming Summer, commemorating the last major action of the Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1878-1880.

I just put up a post on my blog detailing progress since my last update, just under a month ago. This one is mostly terrain related, as I finished building the last terrain board, and also cut out the base for the second KOTAL ("Mountain Pass") feature.

There's also info on a special building for the game being scratchbuilt by my friend Bob Ridenhour, known here on TMP as Rhingyll, who will hopefully be able to fly in and attend when the time comes.

On that note, I've decided that if circumstances conspire to make it impossible for any of my fellow gamers who were planning to visit and spend the better part of that weekend in my home office/game-room refighting the battle to show up, I'll serve as GM and host a REMOTE TABLETOP GAME. I just participated as a player in a game like that organized by "Last Stand" Dan, and it was one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. Of course I hope it doesn't come to that, and that everyone planning to be here is able to do so, and we can eat, drink & be merry as we slaughter each other's army's back and forth across the high quality terrain of 1880 Afghanistan… but if worst comes to worst, the game will go on.

If you're interested in seeing and hearing more details on our terrain-building progress, please CLICK on the link below, and thanks in advance for your time should you choose to do so!


Meanwhile, here's some TEASER pics:








Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2020 6:36 p.m. PST

Looks intriguing. I recall your scenery masterpieces from two separate Colonial Wars games. They were magnificent and I'm sure this one will be also.


Jcfrog01 May 2020 4:46 a.m. PST

Too far away in any case. I bookmarked your inspiring site years ago. Always hufe amount of prep work, and corresponding amaizing results.


Looks awesome Mad Guru

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP03 May 2020 7:01 a.m. PST

Inspiring us all!

Keep these threads comin'.

SgtGuinness03 May 2020 8:00 a.m. PST

Looks great MG, keep posting your progress. It keeps me motivated to finish my troops for your game. Once the 60th rifles are completed I'll get back to the 3rd Sikh's to see if I can add the needed turban fringe with some form of sculpting compound.

I'm VERY glad to hear that the "show will go on" regardless of C-19. Another virtual game will just have to suffice if it's all we can do.

Sgt G

Mr J197004 May 2020 9:36 a.m. PST

Mad Guru, however the actual game unfolds, would it be possible to film it as it unfolds as I'm sure there are many on the forum who would appreciate seeing how the game pans out. Simply stunning in terms of dedication, commitment and attention to detail. Inspiring stuff sir!

Mad Guru17 May 2020 3:56 p.m. PST

Thanks Chris and FlyXwire!

Jeff, like you I really hope you, me, Bob, Dan, Capt. Mike, Nick, and some of our other mutual friends can play this game the old fashioned way, face to face, but if comes down to the remote version or nothing, then the remote version it will be.

Mr J1970…

Thanks very much for your kind compliments! Re: your suggestion, that's an interesting idea but I've never done much video recording of games in progress. Once long ago a gaming friend made a cool video compilation of still photos from our games. A few years later in 2010 I did use my very first iPhone to shoot a brief fly-over of the table during my original Maiwand refight. Maybe I'll try to do the same for this Kandahar game: a slide-show of still photos and/or maybe one or more fly-overs of the table at different points during the game.

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