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"Are you done with new periods/genres?" Topic

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Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 7:28 a.m. PST

In doing a lot of cleaning / organizing I was pleased to realize that I now have armies for every period and genre I'm interested in gaming.

That doesn't mean I won't continue to buy figures to paint and add them to what I have. I like painting whether I "need" the figures or not.

And there is no guarantee I won't change my mind – who knows, maybe a book or movie inspires a desire to game the War of Jenkins Ear or the American Revoluton.

But for now my "lead mountain" is very small and getting reduced rapidly. I sold off teh remains of one project, sent two small ones out to a painting service, and have been selling a few odds and ends on Ebay.

So how about you: anyone else out there "finished?"

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 7:52 a.m. PST

I've tried, buy I keep failing.

IUsedToBeSomeone27 Apr 2020 7:54 a.m. PST

I have 17 "periods" that I have collections for, which range from complete, complete but adding to or sorting out basing to just started (in the case of 40mm AWI). And they range from an FPW collecion of 750+ figures to less than 50 Three Musketeer figures.

I can think of a few periods I'm interested in :

WW1 Middle East (and I am guessing our emails about this sparked off your comment) – probbaly in 20mm – long term idea – interested in doing a lot of reading and planning before I even buy one set of figures.

Sikh Wars 54mm – small collection for Portable Wargame / Field of Battle

Sudan in some form – 54mm or 20mm not decided…

Maybe 20 collections is a nice round number to stop at…


Raynman Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 7:56 a.m. PST

I have a ton of 15mm Ottoman's for a project I will never complete! They need to go. Many others as well. Finally determined my mortality will not extend long enough to get all of this done. And 40K has dried up around me, so have a few of those to get rid of too! Sheesh!

Gear Pilot27 Apr 2020 7:58 a.m. PST

I'm finished collecting new periods/genres for now. At least until something comes along that I just can't live without. So far, for the last several years, I have been able to resist getting into something new. I do continue to expand in my current areas of interest.

I haven't been able to bring myself to sell off any of my collection that I never started and am likely to start. Mostly because it seems to be a bigger hassle than it is worth. I did donate a bunch of old wargame magazines to my local club though.

Personal logo Whirlwind Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 8:19 a.m. PST

No, but each new project tends to be smaller than the ones before. I really wanted to be able to do the big Napoleonic and ECW battles for example and they are both pretty much done, whereas Vietnam, which I haven't done yet, will be a company-sized game as a maximum I think.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 8:36 a.m. PST

I may be. I've been consolidating and selling off projects steadily since retirement. The only things I've added are some smallish 1/72 contingents and a few 2mm travel armies, which are vastly outnumbered by the discards. I'm certainly well down from "peak castings" and would be further if conventions were still permitted.

I will admit to a temptation to build OGRE/GEV forces in 2 or 3mm if I found the right castings. But they'd fit--boards and all--in a laptop bag, and I've got at least six footlockers full of painted troops waiting for conventions to resume for me to sell them off.

Personal logo PaulCollins Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 8:39 a.m. PST

Since quarantine I find myself expanding my interests.My focus seems to be towards 54mm right now with F&I War, Martial Artists, and Marx Untouchables all arriving recently via the mail. Skirmish size groups all.

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 8:47 a.m. PST

After doing an inventory of all of my unpainted figures, I have set aside a good amount of 15mm stuff that I shall never ever touch.
I have decided to gift them to a friend of mine (A fellow TMP'er), who will love to have them.
TBH, my 15mm collection (modern) has gotten absurdly large, and it continues to grow, even though I am now more focused on 28's…
I also have a box of 20's that I haven't touched in almost two decades.
But to be honest, I don't think I shall ever be "finished"….

Prince Rupert of the Rhine27 Apr 2020 8:51 a.m. PST

I have the attention span of a toddler and
am massively prone to "oohhh shiny" syndrome. I like sci-fi, fantasy and historical stuff and hardly ever finish project I start….so I'd say the odds really aren't in favour of me not starting something new.

darthfozzywig27 Apr 2020 8:58 a.m. PST

Absolutely finished with new periods/scales.

Until the next one.

rustymusket27 Apr 2020 9:14 a.m. PST

I am concentrating on figs for 4 rule sets and 2 sets of figs that are strictly for me and my soldier table dioramas. I don't plan are starting any more periods' armies but I had not planned to start Bolt Action last year and I am soon to order more figs for it. So…………….?

Fred Mills27 Apr 2020 9:40 a.m. PST

Half a century in, I feel I am just getting started, and plan to make my executor earn her keep!! The Top Ten are always the same, however:

6mm – WWII and Cold War
15mm – Napoleonic, ACW, Ancients (small), and Medieval (very small)
15mm – WWII and Cold War (both small-scale/skirmish)
20mm – WWII and Cold War (both small-scale/skirmish)

But distractions beckon, including FPW and SYW in 15mm, and 19th century colonial skirmish. I'm not a good enough painter to tackle 28mm, but I am sorely, sorely tempted, and the combo of failing eyesight and the bounty of terrific figure selection in that scale might decide the issue.

And I like the look of 6mm masses for gunpowder eras too…..

In another 50 years, I'll have sorted it all out. Or not.

Grelber27 Apr 2020 9:58 a.m. PST

Actually, I started this analysis back in 2006, compiling a list of periods I'd like to do, and adding to it from time to time. There are 25 different periods on the list. Some, like Italian colonials, made the list, only to be forgotten almost immediately. Others, like the Thematic Byzantine army, have been modified from a large WRG Ancients scale army to a much smaller Saga warband. A few, like the Gauls, are largely complete (except for the cavalry getting painted). I retired a year ago: I can see I will never get to things like huge fantasy, Napoleonic Prussian, or Franco-Prussian War armies.

I'm afraid I have much the same problem as Prince Rupert: "Oooh shiny!" Maintaining this list has actually helped me keep things under control, giving me the opportunity to think about a new period, figure out how big a project it would be, even do a cost estimate. Sometimes, by the time I go through all that, my attention has wandered off. Sometimes, as in the case of WWI, I never get through that initial work. Do I want the Western Front, in memory of my grandfather, who fought at the Meuse-Argonne, or Palestine (much more mobile and fluid), Salonika (so-o-o-o many different kinds of troops), or Africa, a small skirmish style game ?

In any case, nothing ever seems to get absolutely, completely finished. I thought I had all the Vikings I needed, then somebody brought out a lovely, new line. . .

I have tried to sell off things over the years. My one package of Mexican-American War figures, for example. Now, I'm girding myself to sell off all my unpainted 20mm Spanish Civil War figures that I haven't painted on for over 20 years. I just don't think I'll ever cycle back around to them.


Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian27 Apr 2020 10:19 a.m. PST

I'm getting to the point that I'm reviewing the 'Queue' and what I need to complete (enough that I can run basically any game with my own resources) various collections.

Napoleonics (the black hole) will get some small additions but Major Powers are 'complete' (Multiple Corps for Age of Eagles)

ACW has just a few batteries of US and CSA artillery to finish

WW-II is basically complete, really need to review and inventory

and so on…

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 10:54 a.m. PST

I think I'm with Darthfozzwig on this question.

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 11:12 a.m. PST

Me too…sigh!

TodCreasey27 Apr 2020 12:42 p.m. PST

I'll still keep my purge and paint cycle. Now we play ADLG I am painting up a lot of 28mm ancients as it has an easy figure count. I will purge again when the collection gets too big but this is a build and collect hobby after all.

Last year 28mm WWII Russians and 15mm WWII went with no regrets. I may purge some other collections that have got too large as well.

ZULUPAUL Supporting Member of TMP27 Apr 2020 12:55 p.m. PST

Yes, I have a ton to paint & a bunch to sell off.

Timmo uk27 Apr 2020 1:03 p.m. PST

I'm currently considering an entirely new project.

I tend to think there's always something that it would be nice to add to an existing collection and doubt I'd ever be able to consider any of mine totally complete.

That written I'm burnt out of some of them and have no current plans to add to these.

Syrinx027 Apr 2020 6:15 p.m. PST

I am not planning on adding new periods from an army standpoint but I no doubt will add company or skirmish games in the future. I also buy figures just to paint for some potential rpg session.

UshCha28 Apr 2020 2:02 a.m. PST

Basiacly I only do 2 periods, the ones I am interested in the history and tactis of, so no interest in other periods.

Given up for good28 Apr 2020 11:18 a.m. PST

Over the years I've bought into many periods (both fact and fiction), sold of many periods (all my factual and a big chunk of fictional) and often have to avoid the ‘Oh new and shiny' syndrome.

What makes this worse, I often think about starting a collection again…

At my age (closing fast on 60) I have to be practical though – if I start another collection though where am I going to store it and how much use will it get before I change my mind again…

coopman28 Apr 2020 3:14 p.m. PST

Through? I still find myself only a book or a movie or a dream from diving into a new period.

Uparmored29 Apr 2020 3:55 a.m. PST

Since my return to miniatures wargaming a decade ago I got 1 period and location in 3 scales now.

Cuba 1988: 54mm, 20mm, 6mm

No scale is finished yet but focusing on 20mm for the rest of 2020.

Scary thing is in a decade I've only played 5-6 games. 3 at a wargaming tournament with my 6mm '88 Marines..

January 2021 is gonna be my long envisaged 20mm invasion of Cuba campaign with Battlegroup: Cold War (Not Northag) and Objective Cuba as the campaign map.

arthur181529 Apr 2020 4:16 a.m. PST

Yes. I've decided to focus on 18th/19th century ImagiNations, rather than recreating historical armies and battles, and to play toy soldier games that don't pretend to represent real warfare and its horrors. Whilst I may play other games and/or periods with my regular opponents, I'm not going to purchase my own troops for them. And if I read about an interesting campaign or battle I'll fictionalise it to suit my existing armies.

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