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"Newline Assyrians in 28mm" Topic

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madaxeman24 Apr 2020 10:08 a.m. PST

I almost literally stumbled upon the Newline 28mm Biblical ranges at the Attack! show in Devizes in Summer 2019. Newline Designs were a company I had mentally pegged as just being a 20mm manufacturer (so I'd almost walked straight past them) but my eye was caught by a show offer on a 28mm Assyrian army, with a range of figures I had no idea existed. I wanted/needed an Assyrian army for an event that was supposed to have taken place earlier this year, so checking them out the figures turned out to be really nice, and with the at-show discount an army worked out at a lot less than half the price of the equivalent figures from Foundry as well (which I'd been steeling myself to fork out for at some point in time for quite a while, but without actually taking the punge).

I bought the army pack there and then, and of course subsequently bought a shedload more by mail order to give me more options in the army, and less than a year later here are photos of the infantry from this 28mm ADLG-based army.

(It's "decent wargaming standard" painting rather than some of the staggering stuff you see here, but I'm chuffed with how the figures came out, so hey…)

From the back you can clearly see the really nice detail on the armour.

(This is just a few of the photos – there are loads if you go to this link on the main site at link

I'll also post photos of the cavalry and chariots in this thread when I upload them over the next few days

Skeptic24 Apr 2020 10:13 a.m. PST

They look good! IIRC, Newline also have some 28mm Han Dynasty Chinese.

Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2020 11:23 a.m. PST

That is a good wargaming standard! Its nice to see normal figure painting on TMP for a change. It can be quite disheartening for the vast majority of wargamers when all they see are the fantastic paint jobs some talented people manage (that is NOT me!)
I agree, those figures are lovely!

aynsley68324 Apr 2020 2:46 p.m. PST

Excellent ! I tried ordering from them a few years ago but they didn't have any pictures in their website at the time. Now they are worth revisiting by the looks of it,

Would these Newline Assyrians fit in well with the foundry figures at all ? As I've been buying a few foundry Assyrians at a time on ebay , building up slowly rather than , as you say, forking over large amounts of cash to buy directly from foundry.

madaxeman25 Apr 2020 2:04 a.m. PST

Yep, I think they'd fit fine with Foundry – a smidge slimmer maybe, but very close to the same height. I'd have no issues mixing them

I thought about sprinkling in some of their pavise guys into a unit, and you could easily use the Foundry officers to give one of the Chariots a "royal" crew as well.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2020 4:03 p.m. PST

Always nice to see something from we regular foks.

madaxeman26 Apr 2020 1:12 p.m. PST

OK, so here are the Cavalry.

Not quite as good painting-wise as the foot, as I'm a bit lazy/unskilled on the whole "horse painting" front but the mass effect I think is OK. The Newline figures themselves are als still great, as even with only one set of cavalry the three different poses in the pack, as well as separate shields and spears still give a decent variety.

These 12 horses are supposed to be pulling chariots – I made a mistake in mixing them all up on the undercoating table, and then compounded that mistake by mis-counting how many of each type of horse I actually had (15 "normal" ones and 16 "chariot pulling" ones). It does mean these guys have some serious armour around the neck of each horse though, which is probably a win for them

(Mercenary Skythians)

The rest of the photos are at: link

(Chariots coming up when I upload the photos… )

madaxeman30 Apr 2020 11:57 a.m. PST

And finally the Chariots, all prepared using my rather low-tech "find a design online, print it out to size" wallpapering technique to avoid having to paint really detailed chariot cab designs.

The Purple one – with a rather half-hearted animal skin design on the back of the horse (which should of course have been a saddle cloth on a ridden horse)

This I think is the best design – an Ashur Gate-type effect that blends well with the blue of the rest of teh cab

Plenty of room for the crew to move around and fight (or be posed in different arrangements in the cab for more variety)

I've also included info about some of the "wallpaper" images on the site if you want to copy this idea.

There are loads more images on the website of these chariots together with the Infantry and Cavalry which you can reach via this link : link

Atheling30 Apr 2024 7:30 a.m. PST

Excellent work (Tim)?

On the subject of Newline Designs, does anyone have any painted completed images of the units/packs that the Newline Designs lacks for their 28mm Han Chinese -please?

Just Add Water Miniature Painting and Wargaming Blog:

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