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"SYW - position of officers, sergeants and standards" Topic

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23 Apr 2020 4:06 p.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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Moosoid23 Apr 2020 2:38 p.m. PST

So I've finally been seduced by the tricornes, lace, turnbacks and magnificent moustaches of the Seven Years War, and picked up a battalion pack each of advancing Austrians and British musketeers. I've trawled TMP for rulesets and have a rough idea what I'm going to try. But it's the basing that's holding me back somewhat. For once, it's not the sizes – but where do I position the officers, sergeants, drummers and banner holders? And should they be different for different nationalities? I'm planning to base in two ranks of 12 for a total of 24-man units (or 28 including grenadiers, but they'll be detached for converging elsewhere.)

I could really do with some help on this as, while I'm not a total stickler for accuracy, I'd like to be able to get it approximately right, and frankly, I don't know where to start. Thanks in advance!

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP23 Apr 2020 4:56 p.m. PST

For my SYW armies (28mm) I mount them on 40 X 40 stands with four figs per stand (i.e. in two ranks) with 24 figs per battalion

For the command stand I have the ensigns holding the flags in front (I usually use two per battalion) and behind them an officer and a drummer. I try to put a sergeant or two on the infantry stands. For battalions with one standard I put the flag in front, officer beside and a drummer and a sergeant behind

May not be totally accurate, but does look good

codiver24 Apr 2020 4:33 a.m. PST

I do the same as Frederick except on the "command stand" I put the officer and drummer in front, and the two flag bearers behind.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2020 4:55 a.m. PST

In my experience, the majority of gamers put those folks on a command stand. I know I do.

Royston Papworth24 Apr 2020 7:04 a.m. PST

I base mine on 50 x 40 bases, with six figures

Front rank is an officer in between two musketeers, rear rank has a drummer in between two standard bearers.

For the French Revolutionary War, where I go with four figures on a 40 x 50 base, it's officer and drummer in the front and the two standard bearers in the rear.

Garde de Paris25 Apr 2020 12:43 a.m. PST

I toyed with building 48-figure 18mm Old Glory "battalions" of Prussian and Austrian infantry, deployed in 3 ranks of 16. Grenadiers were separate, 9 figures per comapany.

I put them on strips of basswood, 4 figures side by side.

For both, an officer at each end of the first line of 16.

For the rear line, a sergeant at each end of the line, with a drummer next to him. The remaining 12 were private men.

For the Prussians, the center 16 were private men at each end of the line, but figures 8 and 9 were sergeants with 2 colours. The Prussians had more true non-commissioned officers.

For the Austrians, 8 and 9 were officers with the colours. The battalion of 48 would have only 2 sergeants.

I could use these as 4 blocks of 3 stands of 12 figures, taped to green card stock to use as a battalion in line, capable of forming column easily.

Or I could use them as two battalions of 16 with 16 spares, for another type of game with troops in single line.

No attempt as grass etc basing.


AICUSV25 May 2020 10:28 a.m. PST

For my 7SW infantry I mounted them on a 1.5" square base with 4 figures in two ranks, 8 bases to a regiment. As to position of commands types, the two flank stands each have a drummers on the rear outside corner. The next stand inward is 3 soldiers and a NCO, positioned on the inside rear corner. moving in ward to the next base there are 4 soldiers. The next base contain two soldiers in the rear rank, while the front has an officer and standard bearer. The standard bearer is placed on the inside corner, so when the two center bases are placed in line the colors are next to each other. I've found this organization allows me to break a regiment into two battalions of 4 bases each and loos good.

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