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"What to do with Brigadiers" Topic

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Last Hussar16 Apr 2020 1:30 p.m. PST

What to do with Brigadiers. They lounge around, drinking all the brandy…

More to the point, do you bother to do anything with them in FoG:N?

This is a typical OOB (this one is from Elchingen in 1805)

2nd Division: General of Division Louis Henri Loison

Brigade: General of Brigade Eugene-Casimir Villatte
6th Light Infantry Regiment (two battalions, 1,728 men)
39th Line Infantry Regiment (two battalions, 1,633 men)

Brigade: General of Brigade François Roguet
69th Line Infantry Regiment (two battalion, 1,698 men)
76th Line Infantry Regiment (three battalions, 1,789 men)

In FoG that is a division with 4 small units on the table. Do we worry about the GdBs? If I follow the ‘base it on the Brigade' route, we end up with 2 x 1 large, 1 small, which seems a bit silly as the regiments are all within 160 men of each other.

What do people do? Where it is a 1 regiment brigade I've been adding an Attached Officer on the assumption there is extra Staff around, not being sure whether he just had an extra title or whether there was a brigade as well as a regimental officer.

Desert Rat16 Apr 2020 2:46 p.m. PST

The GdB can be considered the command points. I know they are clustered around the divisional commander but you can always put a mounted officer in with the units of his brigade.

An officer attachment represents a really gifted GdB who is capable of doing more independent actions.

Remember that FoG:N is a grand tactical set where you are commanding a corps or small army. These GdBs are beneath your consideration! If you really want to represent them, put a mounted officer on a small base and have him loiter around the units of his brigade – he won't actually do anything, it's just for aesthetics.

CamelCase16 Apr 2020 4:25 p.m. PST

Reminds me of divisional commanders in GDA. Really should just use Corps commanders and brigadiers in that rule set.

Just skip over representing them on that level, as i do with GDA.

Last Hussar16 Apr 2020 4:35 p.m. PST

Thanks. Confirming I haven't messed up converting historical lists.

May keep them where they have just one FoG unit, as he's only having to yell at one colonel!

MajorB17 Apr 2020 5:32 a.m. PST

"What to do with Brigadiers"

A Brigadier commands a brigade. So that is what he should be doing.

IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP17 Apr 2020 9:25 a.m. PST

+1 MajorB.

Brownand18 Apr 2020 7:59 a.m. PST

don't use FOG:N?

Royal Marine18 Apr 2020 10:49 a.m. PST

I suggest we give them command of U.N.I.T ;-)

bpreston24 May 2020 6:14 p.m. PST

There is no independently modeled command structure below the Division in FoGN.
It goes Corps: Division : Unit.

Brigade Commander attachments are available to represent 'officers of outstanding ability', but otherwise GdB are not separately modeled, and would be represented by command figures in a unit or by command points.

It's a matter of level of play and layers of complexity.

Having decided on a Corps level game, and wanting to not get too complex and unwieldy in game play terms, the FoGN command system focuses on the CinC (representing the player, I guess) and one level below the Corps Commander – the Divisional Commander.

To keep things from becoming too complex, the roles of Brigade Commanders, Colonels, Battalion Commanders and everything below is merged into the 'unit'.

Last Hussar25 May 2020 4:29 a.m. PST

I realise that, but there are a number of brigades historically that are 1 regiment, and I can't but feel having the undivided attention of a GdB as well as the colonel should make a difference.

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