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"Help ID 2 OLD Lead Dragons" Topic

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Volstagg Vanir04 Apr 2020 10:45 p.m. PST

I picked these up used, and quite like the charm.
They are certainly very early '80's.
Definitely Lead.

The First one has a very unusual wing structure, so that should help w/ Id'ing;
It has a legend that is extra-fine line inscribed, like a watch-mark.

The top line looks like a 'J' or a 'T', , an 'M' , and a 'D'ending in a distinct ' 1983 '.
Below that are five marks I can make out, which might read
'57', or ' SI', or possibly ' π ' and a distinct 'D8A' (might be 'DBA'.

It is 3" long and 2" tall. The wings are 2" tall and 1.5" tall.
Fully assembled 3"long x 3" tall x 1.5" wide.


The second one is larger, 3" long x 3" tall, with a very distinct RM1 w/ no other marks. The neck & head were separate pieces, (but assembled when it came into my possession).

The wings are mounted very low on the body, where the shoulders might be on an oriental dragon. ( which it is definitely is not).


Anyone have any hits. invites, or vague memories?


Andoreth04 Apr 2020 11:52 p.m. PST

I think the lower figure is a Minifigs Aureola Rococo dragon, still available today.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine05 Apr 2020 1:18 a.m. PST

I think Andoreth might have nailed it

The Dozing Dragon Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Apr 2020 2:26 a.m. PST

First one is an old Heritage Miniatures one. 1008 Copper Dragon. Moved to Texas Miniatures then Reaper at some point.

Volstagg Vanir05 Apr 2020 4:26 a.m. PST


Aureola Rococo dragon, still available today.

Super Fantastic, just Aces !
This Model is a dead ringer for Jennell Jaquay's (of Duck Tower fame) tragic adversary….
Daffyd Platypyros !



(…I'll just need to sub in a bitz-box pair 'o' Feather'n Wings for the Leather'n Ones….)

I'm totally chuffed about eventually getting the
resin 28 mm version 'portrait' version of Daffyd Platypyros at some point,
but with the Rococo Dragon being a -perfect- 15mm version?
I can now use her as an Force-to-be-Reckoned with in my 15 Chariot Miniatures Duck Army battles!
Fantastic !

Double Bonus Side-Quest Bonus Points !
Daffyd Rococo Redux (rim-shot) will join the Heritage (!!) 1008 Copper as
Fearsome (and NON-Peter Jacksonian !!) 10mm Dragons of Morgoth
in my infamous WarMaster: Middle Earth {Battles of the First Age}…
Perfection !!!

Cheers to You, gents !
Question? Answered!! ….and in less than 2-4 Hours
(and in the wee hours of a Sitarday night, as well !)
Consider yourselves tipped 10 GeekGold Each ! (BGG reference)

Now I'm off to peruse the MinFigs & RalPartha(Euro Edition) sites
for any other comparable and/or comparable Figs;
Melkor Needs Dragons !!!
{ …chortles in his Glee… }

Volstagg Vanir05 Apr 2020 4:39 a.m. PST

You mentioned [q] … still available today.[/q]…?

Might you have a Link handy to reference, mate?
My Google-Fu is weak today:
I can't find hide nor hair of 'em …
(in fact; I found several threads discussing their long OOP status…?!?)

Dozing Dragon
you mentioned
…Heritage Miniatures 1008 Copper Dragon … Texas Miniatures … Reaper…

I can't find any info on the move to Reaper
(certainly doesn't seem to be in current post-Bones Reaper catalogue, online AFAIK)
Have you any more info, references, or links to expand my woefully inadequate head-canon?

The Duck Knight's Quest Continue;
Excelsior !


Prince Rupert of the Rhine05 Apr 2020 5:06 a.m. PST

The dragon is available from Miniature figurines UK here is the link scroll down they are near the bottom of the page


Volstagg Vanir05 Apr 2020 5:19 a.m. PST

Found'Er, I did !

My Gratitude to yah, Prince Rup'O'Rhine !

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