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"D-Day to Berlin v3.0 Avaiable" Topic

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greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Mar 2020 5:20 p.m. PST

Well it has been awhile since I have mentioned much about D-DtB here or anywhere actually. After moving and settling in to Seacoast NH in the great US of A I have been spending a lot of time play testing and chatting with other interested games.

Thank you all by the way.

I decided to start a new thread for v3.0 to make it easier for readers to get the link for their free copy. I will be sending out a link to everybody who has received a previous version so you should that but midnight est time toady.

Like so many others that post free versions of their new games I too am looking for your comments and feedback on any and all aspects. If you want more detail there is a lengthy post here as well that was started when I first introduced it in fall 2019.

This link will take you to my blog post and webpage. You can access the free downloads from there.

Thank you all – Chris P.

Blog Post >>>

Eye Candy :)


Sydney Gamer24 Mar 2020 8:43 a.m. PST

Looks great – will check it out!

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Mar 2020 10:00 a.m. PST

Thank you sir, it truly is a different scale from everything else out there. I have tried to not slip into the weeds of chrome if you get my drift.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Mar 2020 10:02 a.m. PST

AS an FYI thi is a square based game. Each stand represents either a battalion or in rare cases a company. The company stands are rare and would represent units such as Tiger Tanks or Very Heavy weapons like an M36 or a King tiger.. They can also be split battalions etc.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Mar 2020 10:04 a.m. PST

The Axis and Allies counter in the first zone indicates a German unit was shattered there in close assault combat.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP26 Mar 2020 12:14 p.m. PST

Just hit 68 requests for the v3.0. Thank you for the comments so far.

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP26 May 2020 8:49 a.m. PST

DDtB 4.0 is now available as a free download.


Along with 5 new videos.



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