"THE PLEDGE - February 2020" Topic
8 Posts
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Stosstruppen | 29 Feb 2020 7:12 p.m. PST |
Well it was a busy month, and productive to a point. Tried to paint an hour a day. Probably came close though I missed a few days. Started going through projects and cleaning them out so I have some stuff sold. Here is the tally; Painted 19 – 28mm WW2 Japanese 1 – very heroic 28mm Dwarf 52 – 20mm Early War SS Sold 24 – 28mm Plastic FIW Indians 108 – 15mm Mexican American War (excess to my needs) Bought 62 – 28mm Germen Wehrmacht 39 – 28mm German Fallschirmjager 59 – 28mm Renaissance Skeletons (Triumph of Death KS) 35 – 28mm FIW 160 – 15mm Mexican American War Totals Painted/Sold – 204 Bought – 355 YTD – +24
New YTD -127 so much for a promising start to the year Here is the link to last month for reference TMP link |
DOUGKL | 01 Mar 2020 8:44 a.m. PST |
Bought 0 Painted 2 Ironclads 24 Zulu warrior 5 Pershing tanks Total 31 for February YTD +56 |
Cornelius | 01 Mar 2020 2:28 p.m. PST |
Huge shame be upon me. Painted – 8 Arthurian Infantry Sold – 3 Bought – 20 Frostgrave and 36 Oathmark plastics. Month – +55 Year- +55 Two kickstarters due in the next two months. Need to buckle down. over 500 figures to paint and a LOT of scenery items too. Oh dear, oh dear |
FusilierDan  | 01 Mar 2020 6:01 p.m. PST |
I'm pretty happy with this month overall. Did a fair amount of painting and made a few trips to some different hobby stores where I picked up the Stag and the Huey. I always try to buy something when I visit a shop. The Germans were the free plastic ones that came with WI. I hope to get some more Empress Vietnam during Cold Wars but I'm feeling good about the year right now. Focus is the word to keep in mind. Bought = 8 (WWII Germans 28mm-6, Stag 28mm-1, Huey Hog 1/48th-1 Painted = 36 (GNW Russians 28mm-12, USMC 28mm-12, NVA 28mm-8) Monthly profit = +24 Yearly profit = +7 |
ecaminis  | 01 Mar 2020 6:09 p.m. PST |
Not good month. Painted nothing, but only bought 74. Painted=0 Bought= 74 monthly loss=-74 Yearly profit= 54 |
Syrinx0 | 01 Mar 2020 6:15 p.m. PST |
Picked up the Dredd game which added to my mountain. Unable to paint again for most of this month due to medical issues but did manage to assemble a lot of plastic. Purchased: 76 (YTD) Painted: 5 Short painting sessions are about all I can handle at the moment so I'm going to experiment with Contrast Paints using my pile of plastic zombie survivors. |
whitphoto | 01 Mar 2020 9:11 p.m. PST |
February was slower than I liked. I finished a platoon of GZG 25mm NSL, for a total of 26 figures, plus 8 Battletech mechs bringing me up to 34 for the month. with the 25 from last month I'm up to 59 for 2020 so far |
Chuckaroobob | 03 Mar 2020 7:01 a.m. PST |
Was doing great until my buddy sold me his TY Brits at a price I could not refuse. Oh well. Bought: 146 15mm Team Yankee British. Painted: 48 25mm WW2 Russians. 1 T-26 tank. Negative 97 for Feb. Approximately neg 50 for the year so far. |