"Kessel Run Racing Game by Skull & Crown" Topic
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Skull and Crown | 25 Feb 2020 10:33 p.m. PST |
ach year for my children, I create games for their birthday parties. My Eldest has really gotten into playing Sabbac, and that lead me down a trail to make the Kessel Run game from scratch.
Goal of the Game Making the Kessel run is not just a simple jump to hyperspace and then you are there. To make it you first have to thread through the psychotic cluster and then, pass through the maelstrom. Be the first to make the Kessel run and survive. Can you do it in 12 Parsecs? (aka Game turns). First ship to leave the board wins. I've started a two part blog on the making and designing of the game, including the pieces/Ships and the playing matt. here's some pics of how I made the Summa- Verminoth.
Concept Art
cutting it out of 3mm craft foam
Rattle can and acrylics paint job.
For more, Jump over to my blog skullncrown.blogspot.com Cheers! |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 26 Feb 2020 1:31 a.m. PST |
It's interesting that the boast is "You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? … It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs." A parsec is a measure of distance (3.26 light-years), not of time. That suggests that the real issues are the choice of, and ability to get through, specific routes that would constitute the Kessel Run. A shorter route would presumably be a faster but more difficult and/or dangerous route. So I might design a game board with required start and end points, various, probably connected, routes to get from start to end, and various hazards on the routes. Ships would be rated for speed, maneuver, combat, and possibly stealth. Each hazard would require an opposed dice roll modified by the relevant ship rating(s), with results ranging from catastrophic failure to complete success. The route with the fewest hazards would be the longest; the shortest route would have the worst and/or most hazards. Maybe the ships would have to spend ratings points to improve their dice rolls to pass hazards, and could stop at developed worlds to replenish. |
Andy Skinner  | 26 Feb 2020 5:27 a.m. PST |
Skull and Crown | 26 Feb 2020 7:45 a.m. PST |
Legion 4  | 26 Feb 2020 7:47 a.m. PST |
Space Calamari ?  |
Skull and Crown | 26 Feb 2020 7:48 a.m. PST |
Oberlindes- I like where you are going with your ideas. When I design rules these days I make them "convention Friendly" meaning I can teach you in 5 minutes and stick you into the game, learning as you go. I have most of the things you mentioned covered, which happen on events based upon the players dice rolls. I'll roll out more on the rules as we playtest them. Cheers Ths |
ColCampbell  | 26 Feb 2020 8:19 a.m. PST |
Very nicely done concept. Jim |
Skull and Crown | 26 Feb 2020 11:04 p.m. PST |
chironex | 27 Feb 2020 3:27 a.m. PST |
"A parsec is a measure of distance (3.26 light-years), not of time. That suggests that the real issues are the choice of, and ability to get through, specific routes that would constitute the Kessel Run." More likely, it means you shouldn't trust speculative fiction writers to write science for you. |
Parzival  | 27 Feb 2020 7:38 a.m. PST |
The controversy all goes away if you just imagine that Han is saying "paahrse'ks," a word from his native Corellian language which translates to a series of hyperspace jumps of set duration. So the Falcon was able to make longer jumps than other ships, thus completing a significant distance in "less than twelve" jumps, which other ships couldn't achieve. Or he was just testing the rubes. 
Keifer113 | 28 Feb 2020 7:37 p.m. PST |
If you watch Solo, you'll that fast ships are the ones that know the best routes between systems, not just physical speed. With the nav computer augmented by L3, the Falcon has access to a wide array of faster routed between planets etc. I surely can't be the only person who wondered how the Falcon could be considered fast when Star Destroyers and Tie Fighters caught up and passed it… |
Oberlindes Sol LIC  | 08 Mar 2020 10:12 p.m. PST |
I surely can't be the only person who wondered how the Falcon could be considered fast when Star Destroyers and Tie Fighters caught up and passed it… Exactly! Skull and Crown: When I design rules these days I make them "convention Friendly" meaning I can teach you in 5 minutes and stick you into the game, learning as you go. I have most of the things you mentioned covered, which happen on events based upon the players dice rolls. I'll roll out more on the rules as we playtest them. I like that approach, and look forward to reading your rules and notes. |