"Are There Any Good Dealers for Zvezda Miniatures Online?" Topic
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roebeast45 | 01 Sep 2005 11:32 a.m. PST |
Zvezda is a Russian model company that I've been trying to find more information for. Although Babel Fish usually does a good job translating I'm having trouble finding a supplier of these online. Any ideas or experiences with Zvezda? |
LostPict | 01 Sep 2005 11:42 a.m. PST |
Try Squadron.com I've bought a bit of the Z-stuff from them. LostPict |
Stevenmack65 | 01 Sep 2005 12:14 p.m. PST |
roebeast45, I am based in the Uk and have access to the Zvezda catalog, if you need anything let know. Regards Steven MCcormack Totally Cheap Miniatures Totallycheapminiatures.com |
Alias Zero | 01 Sep 2005 12:16 p.m. PST |
squadron.com is very vast. I ordred some zvezda stuff from them on a monday and i had it on a wed. |
TBeyer | 01 Sep 2005 12:17 p.m. PST |
I have also bought Zvezda stuff from Squadron.com, also on ebay and my local shop has a limited range (mainly their 1/72 historical figures). Are you interested in their historical 1/72 or their 'Ring of Rule' 25/28mm fantasy figures? I think I have almost all their fantasy figures if you want an opinion of them I would be happy to oblige, also some of their fortress stuff. I think if you do a search on TMP for 'Zvezda' you will also find some reviews of their figures. |
Alias Zero | 01 Sep 2005 12:27 p.m. PST |
Do you have any pictures of their royal cavalry for ring of rule? |
mweaver | 01 Sep 2005 8:21 p.m. PST |
GBG, here's a link from ImperialForge from a previous thread: link |
mweaver | 01 Sep 2005 8:22 p.m. PST |
Sorry – should have added go to "Figure Review". He has a picture of the sprue. Sprew? Sproooooooo?? |
roebeast45 | 01 Sep 2005 8:31 p.m. PST |
Cool, thanks guys. The Imperial Forge review was the first I saw of these figures. I really like the look of the Royal Cavalry. Has anyone actually assembled and painted these? I'd appreciate your opinions. |
mweaver | 01 Sep 2005 8:56 p.m. PST |
I have not worked with the cavalry, although I have some. I did assemble three of the foot knights/men at arms, and found them a bit annoying. The sword arm is molded with the hilt of the sword in the hand, but the blade of the sword is, for know good reason, a separate piece and it is particularly annoying trying to glue that thin slice of plastic to the hilt where it is exactly lined up. Frankly I got so irritated that I set them aside and have not gone back to them. The lances for the mounted knights should not have this problem. |