"DBA League? Only 1 of you..." Topic
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03 Jan 2020 6:59 a.m. PST by Editor in Chief Bill
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Editor in Chief Bill | 03 Jan 2020 6:58 a.m. PST |
You were asked – TMP link The Society of Ancients sponsors a DBA League in the U.K. Last year, they had 614 games played by 69 players across 13 events. Do you participate in this game league? One person said "yes" 29% said "no" 32% said "I don't play DBA" 29% said "I don't live in the U.K." |
Warspite1 | 03 Jan 2020 7:49 a.m. PST |
A rather strange set of responses. If one does not live in the UK why reply at all???? To be fair DBA is a 'Marmite' game – a UK reference to a food stuff which is loved or hated in equal parts. I hate Marmite and I hate DBA but to be fair at least I have tried DBA, the smell put me off the Marmite so I never got to tasting it. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite B |
Micman | 03 Jan 2020 5:18 p.m. PST |
Sorry I missed this one. The NAGS (Northwest Ancients Gamers in Seattle) folks for years kept the results of DBA games. I played quite a few myself. But not in the UK. |
MichaelCollinsHimself | 04 Jan 2020 4:23 a.m. PST |
If only we could ask cats… my cat loves marmite on toast. |
Yesthatphil | 05 Jan 2020 8:37 a.m. PST |
I hate Marmite and I hate DBA but to be fair at least I have tried DBA. Good to have a balanced perspective. Don't you just love wargamers Phil |
Warspite1 | 05 Jan 2020 11:04 a.m. PST |
madaxeman | 07 Jan 2020 7:16 a.m. PST |
Last year the 66 UK-based DBA players who appeared in the SoA supported championship represented around 12% of the 549 total number of UK Ancients competition gamers who appeared in events staged for the most popular 7 Ancients sets with active circuits in the UK link for fuller stats Total Player Numbers (UK based players / UK+Overseas players): 1. ADLG 189 / 210 2. DBMM 73 / 84 3. DBA 67 / 68 4. TTS! 64 / 66 5. MeG 61 / 71 6. FoGAM 48 / 48 7. DBM 43 / 45 Assuming the DBA community is not dissimilar to the other UK ancients competition communities listed above, the fact that 1 person gave a "yes" response to this TMP survey really only can be used to infer that somewhere between 1-2% of all UK ancients competition players are also visitors to TMP and are also aware of and prepared to participate in TMP polls. Individual preferences for various spreadable vegetable products isn't readily inferrable from the dataset provided I'm afraid…! |