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"US Heroclix Retailers and Sources?" Topic

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Thresher0123 Dec 2019 6:01 a.m. PST

I would like to know if there are any other good sources in the USA for Heroclix singles, other than eBay, and Troll and Toad?

Looking for inexpensive minis preferably, from various ranges that they offer, or have in the past.

Coolstuff comes up too sometimes, but when I do searches for them on their website, I get nothing.

Tgerritsen Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2019 6:29 a.m. PST

I will be selling my collection of the first edition Marvel and DC Heroclix on the marketplace after Christmas. Includes a lot of the silver and gold ring figures from that release if you are interested. I will be selling them as collections- and for a decent price. PM if that has any appeal to you.

Wildman23 Dec 2019 6:58 a.m. PST

Miniature Market.

The Angry Piper23 Dec 2019 8:36 a.m. PST

That's about it, Thresher, at least in my experience. The older stuff is getting tougher to find from online retailers, but eBay and Craigslist can still work.

I have 1000s of clix, mostly older stuff with the colored rings, but you never know. Are you looking for anything in particular?

Thresher0123 Dec 2019 1:36 p.m. PST

Thanks for the replies, info, and offer. I will check them out.

I'm looking for minis that aren't officially made, e.g. figures for the old TV show series UFO, by Gerry Anderson, from the Heroclix, and/or other minis ranges. I know there are a few figs that will work for some offered in 28mm, and I want to supplement them with others.

There are so many ranges from Heroclix that I'm not aware of, that I suspect I may be missing some.

Metal figs in 28mm will be fine too, if you think of anything. I'm aware of the items produced by Crooked Dice, e.g the head guy, and aliens.

I'm interested in figs that will work for Moonbase Girls, Interceptor Pilots, SHADO HQ and Mobile Security Troops, Men and Women for SHADO HQ, Skydiver Crew, and Civilians (Women in Minishirts, Male Workers, and Men Wearing Leisure Suits).

I've found some decent proxies that will work for some of the above from the Clix ranges, but am looking for more pose variety. I'll probably have to use Green Stuff, and to repaint some minis to make them look appropriate and presentable. I imagine I'll need to do some surgery on some too, for a bit more pose variety, where needed – arms and legs. I know some will even need head swaps too, and/or weapons swapped out.

I'm especially looking for a 28mm – 32mm Belgian/British FN rifle too, if anyone makes those for sale. I'm also interested in other weapons too, e.g. pistols, bazooka, etc.. Haven't found the FN yet, and that's about the closest I've seen to the SHADO HQ Security Trooper's Sci-Fi looking rifle. It's shown at around the 40 minute mark on the Court-Martialed episode, as three guys of them chase Paul Foster.

What's the significance of the colored rings, and/or gold and silver ones?

Any ideas on figs for the other stuff?

Howler23 Dec 2019 8:41 p.m. PST

Look at Crooked Dice.

Thresher0123 Dec 2019 10:09 p.m. PST

Thanks for the advice.

I've found a few things there, and what is available is quite good, though sadly, not anywhere near what I need in terms of most of the above.

The Angry Piper24 Dec 2019 2:55 a.m. PST

The colored rings used to denote experience level in the Heroclix game. You had a Rookie (Yellow), Experienced (Blue) and Veteran (Red) version of the same hero, with better abilities and a higher point cost the more experienced it was. The silver rings were unique versions (chase), and the gold ones were super-rare (supposedly), often convention exclusives or preorders and the like.

If you don't use the miniatures for Heroclix (like me), then there's no significance at all.

Modern clix no longer use colored rings. I don't know why they did away with them as I didn't keep up with the rules.

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP24 Dec 2019 9:36 p.m. PST

These guys have everything and lots of used old figures.
Phone them.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

CondoGamer1529 Dec 2019 4:27 p.m. PST

Coolstuff Inc is a great source!

Thresher0129 Dec 2019 8:54 p.m. PST

Thanks for that.

Apparently Coolstuff doesn't work on my phone, but does on the PC.

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