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Sherlockgeek13 Dec 2019 11:12 a.m. PST

I was looking to get into this hoping to get two armies for either Future Wars, Strike Legion Tactical, or Ogre Miniatures Wargame.

I like the look of the Combine smaller units. Any places with good starters armies? Want kind of infantry heavy

The Epic Gamer13 Dec 2019 2:14 p.m. PST

There's some Epic Armageddon players in your area. Fall In and Cold Wars have events too.

Microworld Games has some Ogre dmall unit proxies (and ogres too).

Sherlockgeek13 Dec 2019 2:53 p.m. PST

How do I find them?

Thresher0113 Dec 2019 2:59 p.m. PST

GZG sells some, as do many others – Darkest Star, Brigade, Pfc. (old CinC), etc.

If you want Epic figs, I suspect you may need to go to eBay for that, since I think most of the Epic stuff is gone, and has been for a very, very long time.

Sherlockgeek13 Dec 2019 3:49 p.m. PST

I meant players.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Dec 2019 4:30 p.m. PST

I sell the 6mm offerings from Brigade Models out of the Uk over at

More vehicle focused, but we can put together an army…

Sherlockgeek13 Dec 2019 5:22 p.m. PST

I was looking at your site. I was thinking the Eurofed Infantry Company and Slammer Tank Force

dmebust13 Dec 2019 8:11 p.m. PST

Yes Brigade Models are nice. GZG is another good choice. Players are everywhere, three of us here who love the Dirtside Rules.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP14 Dec 2019 8:21 a.m. PST

FYI – 6mm Sci-fi

For your Christmas 6mm Sc-fi shopping needs … Did I miss any ?

CinC SEM + other CinC/PFC



Brigade Models[in US Scale Creep]

Darkest Star

HLS/Exodus Wars

Trolls Under The Bridge


CP Models [carries old Angel Barrack]

Vanguard [carries Onslaught & DiD]

Alternate Armies [now carries 6mm Bradley and look under 15mm Sci-fi to go to their 6mm Sci-fi ]

Chaos Orc[ carries small inventory of some old Exodus Wars & GW Epic]

eBay[of course, but prices may be high ?]

Heroic & Ros – has some 6mm AFV stowage


EMP Games[Command Horizon/old Baccus 6mm Sci-fi]

Deamonscape[6mm Sci-fi Dropships & Terrain]

Zombiesmith[more than just 6mm Quar !]

Khurasan Miniatures


The Epic Gamer14 Dec 2019 10:03 a.m. PST

Re: the epic players in PA, shoot me an email theepicgamer at gmail

Valderian14 Dec 2019 1:38 p.m. PST

@Legion 4 – Very good list!
I would also add:
Strato Minis Studio (Hardbots)
Steve Jackson Games (Ogre)
Ral Partha Europe/Iron Wind (BattleTech)
Reaper Miniatures/Talon Games (for the robots from CAV: Strike Operation)
and from Alternative Armies also '6mm and Fleet Scale infantry'.
And two little mentions: from Brigade Models you have two big and different ranges of minis, 6mm based on Iron Cow 2103 AD and Hammer's Slammers
and from Scotia Grendel their 6mm based on Void and Age of Tyrants.

Bob Runnicles15 Jan 2020 2:10 p.m. PST

Extra Crispy, I can't find Brigade Models any more on your site – are you still carrying them?

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