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1,502 hits since 11 Dec 2019
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Crucible Orc11 Dec 2019 4:41 p.m. PST

Hi guys. snapped some new pics and painted a trio of tanks for my Soviets. I reorganised them to fight my japanese.


Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2019 6:20 p.m. PST

They look very nice! I especially like the photos of BTs advancing through the wheat fields.
It looks like you have four sections with about 15 men each. Are they all members of the platoon, or are some from support units attached to the platoon? I'm sed to American 40 man platoons being considered large, so a Soviet platoon half again as big seems surprising.


Crucible Orc11 Dec 2019 7:04 p.m. PST

Yes they are all part of the Platoon. 4 sections of 15. In Chain of command, they also do not split into teams. so that is just a mass of 15 men.

Late War, Americans are rather large platoons. But early war, everyone but Germany and Britain had large platoons. french ran 39-man platoons, belgians Infantry PLatoons were 63 men except for chasseurs Ardenais, who were organised into 47 man platoons.

even Italians were close to 40 men. both fucilieri and black shirt platoons that fought the french were 37 men strong. the Alpini were 47 men strong.

in 1939 period, the Japanese stationed along the Mongolian border were mostly "type A" reinforced formations, with 3x 15 man sections and a 15 man Grenade discharger section of 4 knee mortars. that also happens to be who my soviets are going to fight. so it makes a good match.

by 1941, the soviets had reduced their squads sizes to 13 men but added a 50mm mortar as part of the platoon command. so the platoon is only 4 men smaller(58 instead of 62), so they are still fairly beefy formations. by 1943ish they are down to around 31 per platoon.

Costanzo112 Dec 2019 4:40 a.m. PST

A lot of pieces!

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