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Thresher0104 Dec 2019 4:16 a.m. PST

One of the supplements has some suggested stats for the Feds and Klingons (can't remember what they call the latter).

Just curious if anyone has come up with stats/crew attributes for Romulans and Gorns?

Not sure what I'll use for the latter figs, but might as well ask now, I suppose.

I've got a few prepainted, 32mm figs, and want to put them to use. Thought I'd see what others have come up with instead of reinventing the wheel, in case you've already looked into this.

Also, anyone got some quick, simple, Star Trek ship-to-ship rules that give a bit of flavor from the original TV series, but that don't bog down into minutiae?

Fairly quick combat, boarding actions, chases, and escapes might be fun, not to mention planetary bombardments, etc., etc.. Thinking of using those as a back drop, or add-on for Away Missions to planets.


Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP04 Dec 2019 11:58 a.m. PST

I used one of the earlier versions of TwoHourWargames 5150 for this. The Feds, Klingons and Romulans all had pretty similar stats as for as movement and damage they could take. I think I used Feds as the base, gave Klingons a bonus to close combat and Romulans a bonus for ranged combat. The big difference was in the reaction tests, when fired on: Klingons had a better chance to charge, Romulans had a better chance to seek cover and return fire.

Oh, and phasers could be set to stun (incapacitate the target for the rest of the battle), while disruptors could not (all wounds ended up being fatal).

Thresher0104 Dec 2019 7:45 p.m. PST

Thanks for that.

I was wondering about phasers vs. disruptors, so that's a big help.

The ideas on differences between the Klingons, Feds, and Romulans are good too, since I was wondering about how to differentiate them.

I only watched the beginning of the Gorn, man vs. lizard episode the other night, but do recall seeing one Red Shirt disintegrated by beam fire, so that's useful. Another was killed, off-screen, but no details of his death were provided – could have also been to beam or mortar fire, I suppose.

Clearly, the Gorns use lots of mortar fire too, given all the shell holes and explosions Kirk was dodging from that, early on in the show.

Seems to me though, Fed tech is far superior in that arena, given their nuclear-type, warhead shells they can fire, even at close range. One shot from that apparently killed a bunch of Gorns and caused the others to beam off planet, and for their captain to beat a hasty retreat from the outpost.

Can't recall for 100% sure if this is the episode where the Gorns lock onto Spock's tricorder, causing it to overload, with him having to discard it before it went off like a hand-grenade, but I think it may be.

Confirmation, yea or nea on that will be appreciated.

Ghostrunner05 Dec 2019 10:39 a.m. PST

Yes- that was in ‘Arena'

Thresher0105 Dec 2019 5:41 p.m. PST

Thanks for that confirmation.

Seems the Gorns are pretty crafty, with doing stuff like that to Fed electronics/sensors, and with their fake message to the Enterprise to beam down to the planet with their "tactical personnel", in order to try to take them out right away.

Ghostrunner06 Dec 2019 5:47 a.m. PST

A pity they were another promising plot line that never got revisited.

The closest we got was the pseudo-Gorn from ‘In a Mirror Darkly', which was interesting but almost unrecognizable.

Sargonarhes14 Dec 2019 6:33 a.m. PST

There was a comic for TNG that revisited the Gorn, the MMO Star Trek online has the Gorn allied with the Klingons. I know as I tried making a Gorn and found myself captain of a BoP for the Empire.

Klingons, Romulans and Gorn use disruptors for a reason, they are just weapons. Where phasers are more of a multi-tool, it can kill, cut, stun, possibly even weld if you know how to do it with one.

Thresher0114 Dec 2019 2:52 p.m. PST

Yea, the re-envisioned Gorn were very different from the original.

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