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"Hasegawa UH-60A Black Hawk Review" Topic

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Comments or corrections?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP27 Nov 2019 4:04 p.m. PST

"The Sikorsky S-70 or more notably UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter hardly needs any introduction. It has been a workhorse of the US Army since 1979, well depicted in the 'Black Hawk Down' movie (2001) and seen in numerous news from many conflict zones. It is still used at the time of writing this review despite proceedings with selection of its successor.

Hasegawa has released a number of UH-60 Blackhawk models but the army version was basically the same set of sprues complimented by an additional sprue that defined the particular variant. Despite this raising some accuracy issues (advanced variants still look like UH-60A) Hasegawa's model remains one of the most accurate depictions of the UH-60 Blackhawk. It also contains an interesting set of figures on its basic set of sprues, meaning that every single Blackhawk/Night Hawk/ VIP Hawk from Hasegawa will also contain these figures…"



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