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"Operation Pedestal Campaign Game" Topic

3 Posts

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Schlesien13 Nov 2019 8:35 p.m. PST

I finished putting together an Operation Pedestal scenario using the Bomb Alley game with miniatures. Here is my blog post regarding the scenario. I think the game turned out pretty well.


BuckeyeBob15 Nov 2019 10:52 a.m. PST

Remarkable looking game. I can appreciate the effort you took to make such a professional looking system.
Did I hear correctly that you printed out the game map at Walmart? Can you comment further on cost and time for them to do that? Did you provide just a photo or flash drive scan of the map?

Schlesien15 Nov 2019 11:12 a.m. PST

Thanks BuckeyeBob. Yes, you can upload a jpeg file to print onto a 50"x60" or 60"x80" fleece blanket. Quality is very good. Prices range from $32 USD-$55. I scanned the map. The order came within 2 weeks. The edges are not perfectly straight so try to avoid printing anything you want straight on the edge of the fleece.

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