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"Italian Line infantry" Topic

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4,334 hits since 27 Aug 2005
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Comments or corrections?

raducci28 Aug 2005 12:14 a.m. PST

Is there a good web page on Line Italian units?
The Histofig site has only Guard.

Swampster28 Aug 2005 12:23 a.m. PST
raducci29 Aug 2005 2:12 a.m. PST

Thanks, Buddy.

wayneempire13 Oct 2005 12:12 p.m. PST

Bit of confusion on Nortern Italian uniforms, I've seen Italian foot and grenadiers painted in green uniforms(the jacket) and I've seen a site "Napitalia", which has Italians painted in white uniforms, with facings colors in green, and in red facings, all on the basic white uniformed figure…..I've held off on painting "Italians", until I reallu know which is the correct paint?

I want to paint the historical accurate Northern Italian 1809 uniforms, those in service in Prince Eugene Bearahais' "Army D' Italie", for the Battle of Wagram, O.B.(Order of Battle).

Hope some of site's uniforms experts, care to share some information?

Other "Italian" units present in Italian Army, which I'm also not sure of what their uniforms look like, include:

Istrian Rifles battalion or Regt.
Dalmatian Infantry, are these light inf. or line?

Basically all the regts. which served in the Northern Italian Army, but were from other European countries.

Unknown colors of uniforms, are also keeping me from tackling the Swiss foot and artillerists & artillery, that were in Oudinot's Corps, at Wagram.

Thanks for feedback, in advance!


Generalmajor14 Oct 2005 11:50 a.m. PST

The Italians started out in green uniforms, but changed to white in 1806.

Because the Guard regiments were renamed, there is a great deal of confusion regarding their uniforms.

The Grenadiers did not change.
The Velite Grenadiers did not change.

But …

The Chasseurs became the Carabiniers.
The Velite Chasseurs became the Velite Carabiniers.

wayneempire21 Nov 2009 12:54 p.m. PST

In 15mm scale, could French Ligne & Legere unpainted infantrymen figures, be used and painted up as 1809 Italian Ligne & Legere regiments? Do the uniforms' distinctions of the Italian infantry regiments, required purchasing "italian" Napoleonic miniature figures?

I already have the Italian Guard infantry & cavalry units painted and based.

Did the Italian horse artillerists have a uniform that differed from the French Horse artillerists(read something about the italian horse artillerists having a czapska-like hat?

What did the italian foot artillerists look like?


11th ACR22 Nov 2009 10:56 a.m. PST
Steve Blears18 Dec 2009 2:51 a.m. PST

I think there is some confusion regarding the naming of the Italian Guard infantry units. By 1811-1812 they could probably be summed up as:
Guard Infantry Regiment – GIR (1 btn Grenatieri equipped as for French Old Guard Grenadiers, 1-2 btns Cacciatore equipped as for French Middle Guard Terrailluers; both wore green/dark green coats in place of blue).
Guard Velite Regiment (1-2 btns Grenatieri equipped as for French Old Guard Grenadiers, 1-2 btns Carabinieri equipped as for French Old Guard Chasseurs; both wore white coats in place of blue, with green lapels).
Guard Conscritti Regiment (3 btns uniformed as for the Cacciatore of the GIR except for a white plume)
The regulations called for dark green coats for GIR & Conscritti, but illustrations I have seen, including some uniform plates, suggest that the green dyes were subject to fading.

Field Marshal24 Jan 2010 10:23 p.m. PST

Brilliant Steve…just the summary I have been after!



abelp0112 Feb 2010 6:29 a.m. PST

Same question as wayneempire: I like the 15mm OG French full dress march-attack figures and when I do my Italians for the 1812 campaign I'd like to use these as Italian infantry.

Any real reason not to be able to use them as such?

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