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"Modern Australian 6mm Infantry" Topic

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Cavosi24 Oct 2019 5:55 a.m. PST

G'day all

I have been looking into purchasing a modern Australian force from GHQ for a Soviet vs Aussies match-up. However I am having difficulty selecting comparable Australian Infantry, Does anyone know if there is any 6mm Aussies with Styers? or a suitable alternative that may work?


Mike Broadbent24 Oct 2019 2:10 p.m. PST

I am currently making some that will be available through Slave 2 Games. Drop Drew a line and he will let you know when they are released.


Cavosi24 Oct 2019 4:21 p.m. PST

hi mike

wow that's convenient! thanks very much cant wait!

Mike Broadbent24 Oct 2019 5:50 p.m. PST

Hi Cavosi,

I am going to try and get a Bushmaster done too

There will be ten poses of Infantry, I am working on poses 7 & 8 now.


Cavosi24 Oct 2019 9:26 p.m. PST

Sounds awesome mate, which era are you basing them, f-88? or EF88? :D I am sure at 6mm they are not much different!

I was thinking of making an M1A1AIM armoured regiment, ASLAV for Recce, M113AS4 with some light infantry platoons, and using bushmasters as command and support vehicles (perhaps some UNIMOGs too).

I was thinking about bushmasters role in a conventional conflict and I think armour would limit its use as a battle-bus, and its height limiting as recce, seems to be more rear echelon?

Have you thought about doing a Hawkei mini at all?

Slave2Gaming Sponsoring Member of TMP25 Oct 2019 1:06 a.m. PST

Cavosi, we already do


Cavosi25 Oct 2019 2:00 a.m. PST

Noice! going to be fun for an Aussie formation to go up against some T-80s

Thanks again

Cavosi25 Oct 2019 2:41 a.m. PST

Ordered some Hawkei!

stephen m27 Oct 2019 1:43 p.m. PST

Sorry for my ignorance but will the figures be available with boonie hats and helmets (two sets) or just one or the other? Google searching has led me to pictures with both in various theaters.

Mike Broadbent27 Oct 2019 5:34 p.m. PST

Hi Stephen,

At this stage they are all in helmets.

Bushmaster is made. ASLAVs started!

I hope that you like the Hawkei's Cavosi


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